Chapter 30

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I walk along side Cassie as she goes through each of our pack members. Some pass with flying colors. They were never on Austin's side and are glad that he won the pack fair and square. We've had some who wanted Austin to win but accepts that Mason won and must be the better wolf. Not shockingly, most didn't care who won or lost. They just wanted to know who the Alpha was going to be so they could move.

None of these are what we are looking for. Cassie so far has found 4 other traitors amongst us. She hasn't said anything but I'm sure that she has seen more than she is telling me. I look back at Austin and see that his eyes are so wide they barely fit on his face. Mason just looks confused. I'm sure neither can wrap their head around how Cassie is getting the information.

I find it amusing and insulting that the traitors are still waiting in line thinking that they are going to be able to fool Cassie in some way. They are silently watching as we call out and round up all their comrades and yet they stay there, thinking that they can somehow go undetected.

"Another pass." Cassie says as she let's go of their hand and walks to the next person. "Are you okay?" V asks Cassie. I'm sure he's worried because she got lightheaded looking back into Caleb's past.

"Fine. This takes zero effort. I can do it all day." She says with a smirk as she grabs the next person's hand. I notice instantly it's not a good result. Cassie has a tell. When she grabs their hand, she looks down at their hand. When she sees something, she doesn't like she slightly lifts her head and glares at them.

Because of this I wasn't surprised when she grabbed the wolf by the wrist and flung him towards me. "Another traitor." I quickly grabbed him and walked him over to where Paul and our warriors were holding the others.

I think about how we probably should have made sure that the warriors were loyal first. Then I remember with the hell I put them through I'm sure they are on our side. I look over at Dante and see that he is nervous as well. He must have had a hand in these plans if he's that worried.

Cassie just keeps going through everyone when she suddenly stops. "Well, it's clear to see you've adapted well to your new pack." Everyone from Cassie's past likes to bring up V and his reputation. They also like to point out how she has changed like it's a bad thing.

Cassie didn't let it bother her in the least bit. "I did. I also saw that Alexandra adapted well by removing you as the trainer for the warriors. We both know you were out of your prime long ago, Thomas." She smirked as he scowled.

Cassie just held her hand out in response. He was hesitant to grab it. This caused her to lift her right brow in confusion. "Something to hide?"

"No," Thomas quickly shot back before grabbing her hand. His initial hesitation made me curious to what she would find. I couldn't decipher Cassie's face either. When she released his hand, she tilted her head to the side. "Well, I would put him in a category of his own."

"What would that be?" That means he wasn't a traitor, loyal, or indifferent. So, what was he? "A coward," Cassie stated monotoned and with contempt as if answering my unspoken question.

"How dare you," Thomas tried to raise his voice at Cassie but instead was met with an angry V standing in front of him. "No need. Like I said, he's a coward. Too scared to live him truth that he let himself be used to keep his secret."

I wanted to know so bad, but I was letting Cassie make her point. Normally when V and Cassie are involved in something I tend to take the back seat and let them handle it. However, this was my pack, my responsibility. I would take the lead.

"You don't understand." Is all he said to Cassie. "You think I can't see what you've done. But you're right. I don't understand how your own Beta and my little half breed have the courage and you don't." Thomas' head snapped up and he locked eyes with Blaine. I instantly knew what was used against him.

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