Chapter 6

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I finish patching up the last wolf and I pull off my gloves with a sigh. "I'm totally beat," I say to Blaine without looking at him.

"I could imagine. Tough training, then you play nurse for a few hours after. Where did you learn this anyway?"

I knew he was talking about my medical skills. With a smirk, I look up at him with my right index finger planted firmly against my lips. "It's a secret."

Blaine looked on at me annoyed with a scowl plastered on his face. I giggled amused that he was annoyed by me not telling him. Soon his gaze went blank and his gaze focused beyond me. He was mind linking.

"Mason wants to see you."

I nod a little worried about what he wanted to say. I wasn't going to stop training so I hoped the conversation wouldn't come to that.

I follow Blaine back to the house in silence as I think of all the possibilities that could arise from this conversation.

"Knock him dead Luna," Blaine said to help ease my worry. I threw back a shy smile before I opened the door and stepped into Mason's office.

The first thing I noticed was the smile on his face. "You seem nervous."

"A little." I lie. My heart is beating frantically with worry.

"Don't be. I just wanted to thank you for helping out today. Who would have known you were a wolf of many talents?" I look down at my feet, cheeks burning from the compliment.

"Did anyone take care of your hands?"

I snapped my head up to see he was no longer smiling. Instead, his stern demeanor had returned in its place.

"Well no. I never get them treated. It helps to toughen them up."

Mason didn't look like he approved but didn't voice his concern either. He just nodded before changing the subject. "The reason I asked you here is that I want you to come with me when I get the DNA test done."

Was I shocked? Absolutely. Of course, I would go with him but I'm shocked he wanted me to.

"Of course I will. Scared V's gonna bite?"

He gives me a half-smirk that seemed forced before he gets up from his desk. He walks to the front of it before he leans against it crossing his arms. "No. More worried she won't be mine." He was rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at the ground.

Here Mason was telling me he is dreading exactly what I want to happen. I slowly make my way over to him and wrap my arms around him before I lay my head on top of his. "Whatever happens I know you'll figure it out."

I wanted to say 'we' but thought it better not to. We stayed that way for a while before he pulled away.

"I'm sure you need sleep since you have training in the morning." I nod to show that I agree with what he says before slowly walking towards the door.

"Angel." He says before I can make it to the door, stopping me in my tracks to look back at him. "Thanks." He states simply with a half-smile. "Night."

"Night Mason," I say back and walk out of the door before closing it and leaning against it. I didn't want to ruin the moment we just had but it took everything in me not to question the new nickname he has used for me.

He had a nickname for Cassie too. Does that mean he's actually accepting me as his mate? I try to ignore the question on my mind as a way to cope with the fact that he may never love me back.

Before the tears could come I take a deep breath and force myself up from the wall and head towards my room. Hopefully, tonight will be the night I finally get sleep.

I Can't be your Luna, I'm a WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now