Chapter 31

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Okay guys!!! One more chapter to go. I am writing this little note as a warning. There may be some gross things or offensive. So just a heads up.

"Traitors should be marked. It's unfair to other packs to just let them take in the likes of you." Mason looked at me strangely before he grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"What exactly do you mean by marked?" He looked at me concerned but I'm sure he knew exactly what I meant by it. "Well obviously, we are going to brand them. Normally it's on the forehead but I will allow it to be on their necks since we are in America."

Mason was taking bigger breaths and I could tell that he was getting flustered with the situation. "I understand that you're upset with the situation, and you don't quite have the stomach to enforce things like this yet, but I ask you. What would you have done if it was me that they betrayed and tried to kill? Would you want to show them any mercy?"

I could see as his breathing calmed and his facial muscles relaxed that he was seeing things from my point of view. I just gave him a soft peck on the cheek before I continued speaking while addressing the whole pack. "I know you guys don't know things were done in Europe, but it is our roots, and their ways are why we are here today. I don't expect you to adept to and accept all of them, but I do expect that certain despicable acts will be met with the brutality it deserves." The entire pack seemed to agree with what I just said.

As I looked around, I just see nods. In some cases, even grim faces. I look for anyone who disagreed with the decision but there are none. I take in a deep breath before addressing them once again. "Okay, you can all go home now. The warriors and I will handle the punishment."

The people being to leave some seemed to be in a rush to get back to their homes and normal lives. Others, probably still in shock, leave a little slower. When they are all gone, I look over at Paul. "Are you ready for this?"

"Anything you need from me Luna." He bows quickly towards me before shifting his eyes towards Avery. He has finally returned and with what we need to perform the punishment.

"Are you sure you don't want us to get doctor billings for this?" Avery asks unbothered by the situation. "No, I'm sure Teddy and myself can handle it."

"Me!" Teddy yells out with a high pitch squeak. I nod and look back at him. "Of course. Only you and I have the medical knowledge to perform this." I quickly interject.

Now everyone from my pack and the Blue Silver pack seemed confused. They couldn't seem to understand why you would need a medical background. I didn't have to explain. Cassie's father took it upon himself to describe what the punishment for traitors was.

"In Europe we have very barbaric and brutal ways and the punishment for traitors is no different. For males they are castrated by slitting open the scrotum and removing the testes. After that they cauterize the area to prevent hemorrhaging and infection since it's a punishment not a death sentence." Hearing that caused the men that were being rounded up to try and fight their way out and get away.

They are no match for our warriors though and I look at the female wolf as she stares at me stoned faced. "You don't seem worried." I state plainly and watch to see if she will show any emotion through her façade.

She just smirks as she replies to me. "Why would I be? I'm not a man." I smirk hearing her response.

One of the warriors asks a question before Cassie's dad can continue. "Why do they just take the testes? Why not cut the whole thing off?" I can admit that I didn't know why. Thankfully Cassie's dad did and gave the explanation.

"It's part of the punishment. The testes are what produce testosterone. Remove those and it will diminish or completely eliminate the wolves sex drive. They have a dramatic decrease in muscle mass, physical strength, and body hair. All the characteristics of a strong and able male wolf. Even without the mark of a traitor, most packs wouldn't accept them and it's hard for them to survive on their own and protect themselves as a result." Cassie's dad rounded out his explanation.

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