Chapter 29

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I'm proud that Mason is taking on the challenge. As we witnessed there are wolves in our pack that want Austin to be Alpha and they are amongst us. He needs to show that this is his pack and send Austin and every who follows him packing. A soft touch on my shoulder stops my thought process.

I turn around to see that Cassie has shifted back to human form. I guess the wolf Mason called finally came. "I hate not being able to mindlinking you anymore." I can say that the feeling is mutual. That is when I realize the only way to solve our problem.

"I need your help when this is over?" Cassie gave me a curious side glance with a smirk. "With what?" I don't get the chance to answer her before Greggor comes over acting strange.

"Luna, can I speak with you?" He seems rushed and nervous. Not like Greggors normal self. I think Cassie noticed as well. She quickly agrees and they walk away from me.

I turn my attention back to Mason to see that he got patched up from Teddy. He agreed to continue the challenge if he could get patched up. Austin shockingly agreed. I'm sure it's because he thought he had a better chance with Mason being injured.

Without another thought I make my way over there. I wanted to give him a quick little pep talk before he went back out. When I finally got to him, standing face to face, I had no words to say. I just looked up at him. My voice failing to come out.

Mason just chuckles to himself and gives me a peck on the lips. "I already know. I was kicked out of a helicopter, climbed and came back down mount Denali in 5 days, and I was left in Death Valley for 4 days while you recovered. I can beat Austin."

They finished the training while I was recovering. I was so glad to hear what he said. That he finally had the confidence in himself to do anything. Just took him longer than the rest of us to realize it. I grab the back of his neck and pull him down so our lips meet and kiss him.

"I'm going to go end this." I just nod as he gives me forehead a sweet peck and walks away towards Austin. At the same time Cassie and Greggor walks back towards me. This can't be good.

I turn and quickly talk hoping to get the conversation over so I can watch Mason. "What is it now you two?" Cassie wears a strained smile but looks at Greggor.

"Caleb," is all he says, and I look at him with a raised eyebrow. Then realize that he probably heard his name with his gift. "What about him?" I shoot back.

"What do you know about him?" Is that why Greggor is being weird and just not like himself? I realize that Greggor probably got something from his gift that pertained to Caleb. This could be my chance to help him. "He was taken in as a rouge. He's 14 but he is small like he never went through puberty. We know nothing of his family or where he's from." Greggor just nodded his head as I spoke.

He looked to Cassie who sighed and walked closer to me. "Greggor thinks he might know why he's so small. The only way to make sure is he wants me to use my gift." Cassie pauses and I'm sure it's to gauge my feeling towards it.

I honestly don't see a problem with it if it helps Caleb gets answers. "But how hearing his thoughts help?" I ask since Caleb doesn't know either. Unless they think he's lying.

"Ah Alexandra, you've been away a long time. Luna can do much more now. She's able to dig deep in our memories and pull them out. She's still trying to perfect it but it's the best option we have right now." After Greggor tells me that I look at Cassie amazed.

She's constantly fighting to protect her pack and be a Warrior Luna. How did she find the time to develop her gift this much in a short amount of time? They both just stare at me, and I realize I never answered them. "If Caleb is okay with it. I'm okay with it."

I Can't be your Luna, I'm a WarriorKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat