Fallen Angel

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I was running away from home. After 10 years of being tortured, I just couldn't take it anymore. My mother dead, father dead, I had literally no one else besides my grandparents and they hated my wings for the same reason I hated them.

It was a stormy night when I decided to run. I had the ability to shrink my wings and hug myself with them. It was painful if they stayed this way to long but it needed to be done. Normally I wouldn't be able to do that but after my grandmother cutting off my wings countless times, I just developed this skill in order to hiding them. It was still less painful than her cutting them of or them growing back.

Even without them, I was still able to suck life force of everything that I touch. At first, I didn't know how to control it and I always wear gloves but after a couple of years I figured it out. Though after that night where I lost both of my parents, I was never able to heal anyone only myself.

 Though after that night where I lost both of my parents, I was never able to heal anyone only myself

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My wings became as black as the night, held me warm in the winter and weird enough I felt safe. Running away was no problem if you could fly. My wings were made for high speed and I could fly very high with them. I was sure I was even faster than the number three hero, Hawks. I was never really allowed to fly but I still learned somehow. It just came naturally to me.

It was already 4 years, that I spent on the streets by myself. I had a big heart and took in any street kid older or younger than me. I found this abandoned school building and I liked it there. The kids that I took in and shared the place and loved it. It gave us shelter when it was raining and even hold us warm in the winter.

The story of this place wasn't pretty though. I found this place 3 years ago and they say that there was a boy with lilac hair that was bullied because of his quirk. He should be around my age too. The boy had a quirk that was deemed villainous and received countless suicide baiting until he couldn't take it anymore and jumped. They say an underground hero was walking past there and saw everything. Thankfully, he was saved by that man. The school however was then sued and never reopened.

The kids and everyone on the streets who knew me calls me fallen angel. The origin of this name is my quirk. There was this one time when I saved some kids, quirkless kids and took them in. They told me that my feathers began changing color to a warm white with a golden shimmer and that I healed all their wounds. I personally never saw them do that before or after that every again and though I knew that it is my quirks ability I was never able to access it. The kids liked the idea of calling me an angel and seeing as my feathers are pitch black they call me a fallen angel.

 The kids liked the idea of calling me an angel and seeing as my feathers are pitch black they call me a fallen angel

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In this school, we call home, we were like a family. We would do anything for each other's. Since every one of us is a minor. We go around and steal in groups or I would go flying around robbing some food truck. My feathers are sharper than any sanded sword or weapon. They could cut through anything like a butter. It made it easy to go and steal food or clothing while they were still transported in the middle of the night.

However this particular night, I was careless. I had 42 kids to take care of and it was in the middle of December. It was freezing cold outside and a lot of kids in the school building caught a fewer and I needed some medicine for them. Watching another kid die because of an illness was not an option. So I quickly grabbed my outfit, not like I had any other one beside the gym clothes I wear inside the school, because they were comfy. I mostly used these pair of clothing while stealing or general when going out of the school in public.

I also took the mask that the children gave me. It was handmade gift from them.

It was a snowy night and I had no other choice but to go out and get the medicine. Once I was out, I unfolded my wings and quickly began flying through the night, not even bothering to hide my presence or be careful. I needed to be fast and make sure that these kids don't die.

Unfortunately, for me I was not the only person flying around in a snowstorm.

Like what the heck?!

It was hard flying and the snow was beginning to build a small layer off ice on my wings.

Once I found a pharmacy, I broke in and went through the shelf to find some medicine for children. It took me a good 10 minutes to find one that I was sure I could give them. As I was about to grab the medicine a red feather, slapped my hand away from them.

Normally I would have felt anyone's present in the room but thanks to the small ice layer, I couldn't. Recognizing the feather, I knew exactly who this was. I didn't even need to turn around.

SHIT, Why?!

Why the heck are you out here and not at home where it is warm and cozy?!

Hawks: What you doing there birdy?

Me: What does it look like chicken?

Hawks: Ouch! That hurt!

Me: What me calling you a chicken? Oh please you are obviously an overgrown rooster!

Hawks: Watch what you are saying raven!

Me: And why should I?

Hawks: You seriously asking that?!

Still refusing to turn around I used my wings as a coat. I could feel the cold coming in through the broken window and on top of that my clothing were not made for cold weather or any kind of weather to be specific. Plus with me not moving around, I could feel the chilly air and the wind going through my bones.

Me: Look I don't have time for this chicken, so see ya!

I quickly grabbed the medicine, jumped on the counter and then yeeted myself through the broken window. Once I was outside, I opened my wings and flew high up in the sky. Red feathers tried to detain me but the moment I saw him coming close, I closed my wings and let myself drop.

This was a strategy I quickly learned in order to gain speed. He was quick to follow and do the same thing but his wings were not made for such a stunt. Only 2 meters above the ground, I opened them and made a 90° angle so that I was now flying with an extreme speed parallel to the ground.

Making one quick glance behind me, I saw Hawks hitting the pavement hard. His wings made some scratch marks too. He couldn't do the same 90° and needed to land and then jump up into the air again.

However, it was too late. I was already gone.

Too slow chicken!

Good luck next time!

Once I arrived at the school. I closed my wings and entered. The room we all stayed in was an underground gym. Quickly walking to the sick kids I took out the medicine from my pocket and gave it to them. Then we all snuggled up and I used my wings to cover them.

This was one hell of a winter and I hoped everyone would survive it. I was also thankful that my quirk was under control and that I didn't kill them while cuddling.

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