Meet my new life as LOV member!

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It's been some moths since me and Dabi officially joined the LOV and Shiggy became something to me like a second brother. We would play some video games together or talk about some strategic planning. It was fun being around him. However sometimes he just reminded me of a kid in a body of an adult. I knew he had a rough past like every member and I didn't want to reopen old wounds so I never asked about it.

In our talks we would always make some hypothetical attack on some kind of hero or the hero school itself. It was a lot of fun. In addition, I knew that these plans were meant for the future even though he didn't wanted to tell me that in order to nor freak me out.

We were talking so much about taking the number 1 hero down that at some point I told him I wanted to take revenge on the number 2 hero and what better way than to get back at him through his own child.

It was no secret that he was the devil in person. He hated and abused his family if they were not good enough for him. His youngest son Shoto had the same age as me and I was sure to ruin him to the point of mental breakdown which wasn't far from where he was currently.

Then there was Dabi or Touya. He didn't need to tell me who he was. I wasn't blind and I certainly wasn't dumb. I could see the connection. He hated the man so deep that I knew something was wrong and after hearing that he run away and knowing his quirk, I automatically knew who he was.

Not everyone had a fire quirk like him and the same eyes like his brother or same eye since his brother had two different eye colors.

If he didn't wanted to talk about it that's fine. I too didn't want to talk about my past or my real name all he knew was that Hikari used to call me Izuku. He didn't know about my abusive past or that I killed my own mother with my quirk and I was happy about that. I was sure that my past was a lot crueler than his.

Me and Shiggy once even made a plan on attack USG and get Shoto Todoroki as a hostage and even make a splendid nomu out of him and gift it as a pet for Dabi. I wanted to destroy the whole Todoroki family like what he did with mine. Only exception was Dabi. These however were only talks we made to spend some time together.

Kurogiri was like a mother to us. He would always see to it that we would have everything we need and in return we would get him all the alcohol he wanted. To be honest it is alluring how much he loves his red wine.

The nomus were also getting a lot stronger since the new goal was beating me and not All Might anymore. It was still childs play to destroy them with the help of my quirk. However, they were getting stronger and it now takes me some minutes to get to them instead of seconds.

Toga was apperently working part times for the LOV. She used to do some jobs for them but not more. Howerver since I joined the LOV, she was one of the members too now. She is such a good friend and older sister! We love to annoy the heck out of a certain loud ass hero.

I mean if a hero has own radio show than why not?

flash back brought to you by Izuku enjoing his new life and fmaily.

Mic: A Good Day to you all my listeners! Today we will start off with some questions you guys have for me. Now lets see who will be the lucky one to get through.... oop and here they are.

Me: Oh my god! This is such a honer for me! I feel so happy.

Mic: Wait a moment. Blackwing?

Me: The one and only.

Mic: Not again.

Me: Oh yes again! I am back to annoy you and hunt your loud as fuck cockatoo's ass!

Mic: *Sigh* Now I know why my beloved is always sighing.

Me: Oh you mean Eraserhead? Say hey to him for me and tell him, he can stop looking for me!

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