A hero...? Me?

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That night, I was out patrolling and every single kid that saw me immediately stood up from laying on the ground and shouted "THE ANGEL IS BACK!".

It was weird how the all the kids I saved began screaming and shouting one and the same phrase all over the city. They all looked at me very happy and waved at me too. It was as if they wanted to jell and let everyone know that Angel was back!

I was out a couple of hours and nothing happened at all. After I made sure and fly twice over the city that no one needed me, I went back to the old building I met Dabi the first time It was the place I used to go when I needed to clear my head and at this time I needed it.

I didn't know if I was Reaper anymore. The name felt right but deep down, I knew I wasn't a bringer of death anymore. Never did I ever wanted to be a true villain. The reason I made a name for myself was to get all these falls heroes away and open new positions so that the next generation can fill in the empty spots.

I never actually went on a killing spree myself to hurt innocent people. So technically speaking, I was never a true villain.

Then there was Fallen Angel. I loved the name the people gave me because of my wings but now... They were not black anymore. I was no longer a Fallen Angel. The name alone belonged to a vigilante or so they dubbed me at the police station. Though I never saved anyone besides suicidal kids or homeless kids without any hope left.

I was never a vigilante too.

Me: What am I?

Dabi: A light in the dark for everyone who needs it. To put it simple, Izu. You are a hero.

I put the question into the room never thinking I would get an answer but the moment I heard Dabi, I turned around and looked at him. Dabi simply walked over to me and sat on the same edge I was standing on.

Me: How did you know I was here?

Dabi: You looked conflicted before we left. I figured you needed some space and this is the only place you go when you need some.

I then sat down beside him and let my wings rest on the rooftops floor.

Dabi: They are beautiful. I loved your black feathers but these are truly something else.

Me: ... No matter what color they have, I still will be me.

Dabi: But this means you finally have found your place.

Me: I guess but am I really a hero?

Dabi: Why are you questioning that?

Me: I mean I am Reaper too.

Dabi: And yet you never went on killing sprees with Toga or rob a bank with me. Not to mention that you were known to only go after heroes.

Me: True....

Dabi: Even Fallen Angel is known to save people. You even are a legend around here. Do you know how quickly the words went around that "The angel is back!"? Izu, everyone is rooting for you! What is holding you back?

Me: I am not sure if I want to be a hero.

Dabi: That roosters fault?

Me: Chicken had nothing to do with it...

Dabi: Who then?

Me: The hero commission. Once I am a hero I will need to abbey by their rules. Dabs, I don't want to be caged and hold back like Hawks.

Dabi: Don't worry about them, let them be our problem!

Me: Dabi!

Dabi: What?

Me: You can't just go against the hero commission! They will have your head on a silver plate.

Dabi: Izu, we trust you! We would do anything to help you. Shiggy told Sensei about our decision. He also gave us the go to be your shadow and only act in your benefit. He wants to see you on the top as the number 1.

Me: AfO wants that?

Dabi: Yes. He always thought of us as his kids. He cares for you as a son and we all know that he liked you the most.

Me: No, Shiggy is the one he cares most.

Dabi: Only on the outside but the truth is you are his fav.

Me: No way.

Dabi: It is! You can deny it as much as you want.

Me: I guess I will try my best to be a hero.

Dabi: Don't Try! BE IT!

Me: Fine, Dabs! I promise! I will be the best! I know I can't save everyone but I will try and do that anyways!

Dabi: That's the spirit Izu!

Me: Thank you!

Dabi: For what?

Me: For always being there for me!

Dabi: I always be! The LOV will always be there too for you!

Me: I know.

Just like that we spend the whole night talking about our memories together and at the end of the night we also talked about the hero commission and how wrong they were.

The next day I found out that Dabi was really having my back. I never expected them to do it in real life but they wanted only what's best for me and it was definitely one of the best things they could have done.

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