I will remember this day....

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A month passed since I found Dabi on the roof and we were getting along pretty well. The three of us made a good team and shared nearly everything together. I would even go so far and say we became a family. He felt like a big brother that I never had. From the way he acted, I knew that he had sibling and younger ones too.

Me and Dabi would go out when we run out of something and steal it in the night or buy it together with Hikari when we had some stolen money.

When it's brought daylight we both play with Hikari or teacher her some stuffs. It was always fun being with her, she is such a pure little innocent girl. Clumsy sometimes but sweet.

Today was Hikaris birthday and we wanted to surprise her even collected some money in order to go with her to the mall and to the one cafe she always wanted to go. It was a small angel themed cafe and I knew I would feel out of place there.

Me and Dabi were up and ready while Hikari was still sleeping. It was only 8 a.m. and since we don't get to school, we stay up nearly every night and go to bed when we wanted!

Dabi: Should I wake her?

Me: NO! Why do you asked that?

Dabi: Cause today is her birthday.

Me: And that allows you automatically to wake her up from a sweet dream? Not on my watch Mister!

I puffed my wings and crossed my arms.

Dabi: All right, all right! I get it!

Me: Good!

Hikari: Morning Zuzu, Dabs!

We both looked at her completely surprised that she was up and I began feeling guilty because we might have woken her up with our arguing.

Me: I am sorry, did we wake you up?

Hikiari: No.

Me: I am so glad to hear that!

Dabi: Happy Birthday Hikari!

Me: Happy Birthday!

Dabi: We have a surprise planed out for you!

Hikari: What is it? What is it? What is it?

Me: It wouldn't be a surprise if we tell you!

Hikari: Aww but I wanna know!!

Dabi: How about we tell her?

Me: Let me think about it..... hhhhmmmmmm..... nope! Now come on and get ready!

Hikari: Why?

Me: Cause today we both will be spoiling you!

Dabi: What that dark angel means is that we are going out.

Hikari: Where?

Me: That's a secret now come on!

I then took out some clothing for her. After she was done changing, we all went out. By the time we arrived at the mall it was already 10 a.m.. First thing we did was getting some breakfast and then we went on and bought everything she wanted. We bought her everything she wanted since Dabi stole someone's card and we found out that we could use it.

I was sure since it was a golden card that only heroes have that this was his dads card but that pile of thrash deserved to go bankrupt so I didn't care much about it.

At around 2 p.m. we were done. It was so much fun because, not only did we bought her anything but we also played hide and seek in the cloth department until they threw us out of the store.

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