My story is only for a true hero to know!!!

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After school, I went to the teacher's office with Eraserhead since he was watching over me that day. Once in the office I decided to just sit in the couch and wait for him to be done with his work. There was not really anything I wanted to do and this couch was so soft too that it felt like I could immediately fell asleep.

Eraserhead: Izuku, why did you tell them your story?

The moment he said that all of the other heroes immediately looked at me. No one beside the class and the LOV knew a part of my story. Why did I just tell them that? To be honest, I wanted them to learn from what I have seen and experiences. If they wanted to be heroes and made the same mistakes then I would go after them with no doubt! This was not story time as more like a warning I wanted to give them.

Me: A warning.

Eraserhead: A warning?

Me: Yeah. If they decided to be as bad as the heroes I go after I wouldn't and I won't hesitate going after them too!

Eraserhead: I see but why did you tell them that while I was in there?

Me: You are different.

Eraserhead: ...kid, I am a hero too!

Me: And yet you never had any collateral damages nor did you kill or harm anyone if not necessary.

Mic: He is right, Sho! You care for your opponents!

Midnight: We all do at some point.

Me: Would you let a bank robber go if you knew that he needed the money for his kid to survive?

Midnight: I ahm well he is a criminal after all.

Snipe: He is a criminal so we will need to get him arrested. It is not his money no matter what.

Mic: There are different ways to save a live too. Money can't solve everything.

But it can pay for a surgery...

One that could save the kids life!

You all are calling yourself heroes?

Why not donate some of the money if you think stealing is bad?

Why not offer it to a robber?!

You think he will laugh at you, joke at you for it?

No. They need it and they would accept it happily!

If that man was offered money instead freely he would never be a criminal!!!

Me: ... I see.

It was as I thought. Eraserhead did care and let some villains slip by the rules. He was an underground hero after all. No one was watching him nor did someone inspect or judge his decisions.

Power Loader: So, what's your full name?

Me: None of your business!

Mic: Sho tell us!

Eraserhead: If he doesn't want to share it then I won't. It is not my place to tell his story after all.

Midnight: Oh I know we could ask the Sho's class and Toshi!

Eraserhead: I highly doubt that they will say a thing.

Me: Hm?

Hound Dog: Why is that?

Eraserhead: You will find it out on your own eventually.

Snipe: What's that supposed to mean?!

After that they tried getting information out of me but I wouldn't tell them a thing and Eraserhead just began ignoring them and do his work for once. It didn't take long that Nezu would come into the teaches room and call for me. I knew that he was for sure listening into it and watching the footage but he was also a person that loves a good show. So, I knew that he wouldn't tell the others what I said.

Reaper (villain rehab)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora