Something is wrong

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Hawks POW:

I was after a certain birdy the whole time since he escaped and I need to say his tempo is straight up unbelievable. My speed was nothing in compare to his and then these wings. His were a pitch black color but deadly nothing the least. However, in this moment while he was trying to escape they were completely white with a golden shine. He looked like an angel.

The moment his wings changed color I could see how much faster he became. Not only that but they began radiating some kind of energy too. I felt the sudden warmness coming form them and couldn't nearly believe that he was the same Reaper kid as only seconds ago.


Something is wrong!

I saw his flight style changing. The flaps of his wings were beginning to get weaker and weaker.


But I got no response from him. It began worrying me. Something was clearly off.
I could see it and I knew that he wouldn't be able to keep up for long.


Again no response. This time I was sure that he was either ignoring me or he couldn't hear me. I was putting all my money on the second option.

I had an earpiece connecting me with the UA staff. Since he was flying with such an amazing speed I was sure that he would manage to escape the dome. In addition to that I needed to go after him but that would not be possible if the dome was still up.

I double tapped my earpiece to in order to activate it and called out to the principal.

Me: Nezu!

Nezu: Yes?

Me: Deactivate the dome!

Nezu: Hm?

Me: He will manage to escape! He is faster now then the dome can build up!

Nezu: I understand.

Me: I am going after him and get your healer ready!

Nezu: She is already on standby.

Me: So you see it too?! It's not just my imagination...

Nezu: I assure you, I was watching your whole cat and mouse chase and enjoyed it to the fullest.

Me: Urg!

With that I served the connection between us and concentrate on him. The pure white wings he now had made him look like an angel. For the first time I knew why they were calling him Fallen Angel. Up until now I never really got why they used to call him Fallen Angel but if one of the kids saw his white wings than everything made sense. He was like the legendary Lucifer, the angel that has fallen from the sky.

However, I could tell just by his reaction and the way he flew that he didn't realize the change in the behavior of his wings.


I still tries to reach out to him until I saw him pass the barrier that was currently still in place. The moment he did Nezu turned it off and I was able to follow. However, I saw him dropping at the highest point. He looked lifeless the way he dropped. It was probably the doing of this mist that was in the rockets that exploded minutes ago and caught up to him.


I didn't let it pass and picked up some more speed. His wings changed back to black and I could see how pale he was. I was afraid of what is wrong with him.

It didn't take me long to catch him and the moment I did, I felt him burn up. Not only that I felt his quirk trying to get energy out of the environment.

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