Bad Idea!

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Hawks POV:

After our failed attempt of catching Reaper, Nezu immediately wanted us back in a conference room. The plan was only for me to spot him and then tell All Might where he is so he could throw that special made net over him.

However the way he just cut though it was incredible. He was not supposed to able to do that and I should have coughed him and put him down close to Midnight so that she could knock him out cold. A good plan if you asked me. No one was to get injured in this too.

It didn't take long for all the UA staff member including me to be in the same room.

Nezu: I am sure you know why I called you here.

Aizawa: He escaped again?

Me: He just cut though it like it was nothing.

Power Loader: That is not possible. It is made out of steal threats.

Nezu: It is. I had a better look at it a couple of minutes ago and it looked old. This makes me believe that his quirk is at fault here. Until now we only could guess what quirk he had but thanks to that we had some clues.

Midinght: Does that mean he can actually make thing to get older?

Aizawa: Not necessary. He might also just suck the energy out of it.

Nezu: That is precisely what I was thinking about.

All Might: How will anyone be able to catch that boy if no one can touch him?

Nezu: I was thinking on something rather special.

Recovery Girl: I don't approve of that look!

Me: Me neither! You planning on killing him?

Nezu: No.

Aizawa: Please tell me we are not gonna shot him down.

Power Loader: I could try make something but his speed is surely something else.

Nezu: No, that won't be it either.

Mic: What then?

Nezu: Thanks to your information, I know just the right plan to get him in our custody.

Me: Huh?

Aizawa: Whatever it is I am sure I won't like it.

Mic: Why you haven't heard it yet.

Aizwa: Just a bad feeling.

Nezu: We will be using your son to get to him.

Aizawa + Mic: HUH?!

Recovery Girl: You completely out of your mind now?

Nezu: No. I am pretty sane thank you.

Hound Dog: That is questionable.

Nezu: Since Reaper is Fallen Angel and he is flying around the town in the night rescuing suicidal kids, all we have to do is use that knowledge to our own advantage.

Me: So you want their son to basically throw himself of a roof?

Aizawa: Not gonna happen! Not after everything he went though.

Nezu: Did he also meet Fallen Angel once?

Aizawa: Yes..

Nezu: Then he will be fine helping us get to him.

Me: This is a bad idea!

Aizawa: Agree!

Mic: Over my dead body! We can't do that to our son!

Nezu: He won't be alone and it will be save for him

Mic: How is jumping of a roof safe?

Nezu: For starters he won't be alone. I will have Hawks in the air in a distance where he could still save him. Aizawa will then be also in the building and have the chance to use a broken window to save his son with his capture gear.

Aizawa: NOPE!

Me: What if I'm not fast enough?

Nezu: Oh I am sure Reaper will be there!

Me: This is sure a bad idea!

Aizawa: It sure is.

All Might: Do we have another chance? I mean we tried getting him off the sky with a steal net and he escaped..

Recovery Girl: I hate to say this but that might be our only chance in capturing him.

Aizawa: You can't be serious Chiyo!

REcovery Girl: As I said. I hate the idea but I agree it is the only plan that has actually a chance.

After hearing the healer of UA say that everyone went quiet.

Nezu: Great! Then we will do this tonight. Here is the address and please get your son to participate in this exercise.

Midnight: Wait but even if Reaper comes and saves him, how are we going to capture him?

Nezu: A small injection that Shinso will have with him to knock him out.

Me: Did I already say how bad this idea is?

Midnight: Plenty of times.

Aizawa: I agree with Hawks.

Recovery Girl: I will make the injection for him then.

Nezu: Great than you are all dismissed! Please be prepared for the worst.

That was all he said before we all got ourselves prepared for what was about to happen.

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