Failed attempt again!

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After the failed attempt of capturing me today we sure had to hear an earful from Mamagiri since we should have immediately asked him to teleport us and not run away like some scared ducklings one behind the others.

Not only that but he also made us go into our rooms and reflect on how dumb we were today after making sure that no one of us got hurt especially me. Though I am sure that it was only an excuse to touch and pet my wings.

I was in my room until the sun went down and went to the rooftop only to be meet with Shiggy and Mamagirir.

Shiggy: You going out titan?

Me: Yeah.

Kurogiri: There is nothing we could do to make you reconsider is there?

Me: No. There are kids out there waiting for me. I have to go!

Shiggy: I understand, Izu.

Shigaraki came to my side and began patting my head before going inside afterwards.

Kurogiri: Stay save and call for help if you need it.

Me: I will.

Just like that I ran towards the edge of the building and began flying up after jumping into the air. I quickly gather speed and high and began gliding though the sky. It was calming being so high up. No one and nothing was in the night sky with me. It was late after all. Once the sun goes down it is my time to shine.

It didn't take me long to fly by multiple kids and waving my hands to them telling them I was out there and I know that they were too. A lot of them were only on the rooftop to give me something or see me fly around. They felt save seeing me or so I was said.

However after a while, I came to an abandoned building and saw this lilac haired boy. He had really fluffy looking hair and he was sitting on the edge of the building. His shoes were folded beside him and I could see a letter in his hand.

You are not dyeing on my watch!

It didn't take me long to land behind him and walk towards him. My footing was very light and so I knew that I was making nearly no sound. Once I was right next to him, I sat down there and let my legs hang over the edge in the same manners like him.

Me: The night is really beautiful today don't you think?

I shrank my wings and closed them for once. After that I leaned backwards and looked up at the stars.

???: Yes.

He did the same thing I did and we both began watching the sky in silence.

???: I didn't came up here for what reason you think I did.

Me: I know. I saved you once, didn't I?

I remember saving a boy with that same exact hair a while back. I couldn't remember his face or what happened that day. All I did remember was his hair.

???: ...

I could see him sit up again the moment I said that and I did too looking towards him. He looked like he was about to cry and the moment I reached out to whip his tears away, he began backing away from me.

???: I am sorry *sob*

Me: You don't need to be!

???; I am sorry *sob*

I saw him quickly stand up but as quickly as he did that he slipped and began falling. The moment I saw him fall, I quickly jumped down and let my wings only grow to their full size the moment I had him in my hands. It was close call since the building wasn't that hard and I managed to catch him, holding him bridal style while landing on the ground. My wings cut though the concrete because I so suddenly spread them open and coughed us trying to at least make a save landing.

The moment I was done on the ground, I quickly fly up into the sky again. He looked so broken to me that I wanted to show him the night sky some more.

Me: Hey, it's okay I got you Toshi!

The name just came into my mind. I didn't remember his full name but the name came to me naturally as if I used to call him that all the time.

Me: Come on open your eyes and have a look!

I wasn't flying around as I was more in an extreme high and just standing there. The boy in my hands slowly opened his eyes and looked at me before looking at the view.

Toshi: Soo beautiful!

While I flew up I could see some red feathers and I immediately knew that Hawks was around.

Me: Listen, I don't know what happen for you to be on that roof but if you ever need someone to talk to just be there again, kay?

Toshi: Hm.

Me: Hold on tight! I need to lose a chicken that is following me!

Toshi: Kay.

He wrapped his hand around my neck and buried his face in the crock of my neck to. The moment he did that I knew that I was blushing. I could feel his breathing and before I knew it, I let myself fall gaining speed and cutting through the air while I was flying away. It didn't take me long to lose him and land in a park.

Me: You can open your eyes now.

He was still clinging to me as if I was some kind of life support for him. I didn't had anything against it. Toshi was really cute being all scared but I was sure that a happy expression was suiting him more.

I let him down on the ground and he backed away giving me some space.

Toshi: Thanks for you know.

Me: No problem and if you ever want to fly again just go the next rooftop at night and ask me before you decided to jump.

Toshi: I will take you up on that one.

Me: Just do that.

Toshi: You should go now.

Me: Huh?

Toshi: My dad is after you and they wanted me to drug you but I simply can't.

I could see all the pain in his eyes. He was regretting doing this and it was visible.

Me: It's okay. It was not your plan, right?

Toshi: No. I didn't even wanted to participate in it. I could never hurt you! I love you too much for it.

It was not the first time I heard someone say that but this was the first time it moved my heart.

Me: Well I'll meet you for sure again! See ya!

With that I jumped up into the sky and began flying back to the LOV. I had enough excitement for a night and since the rooster was out for me, there was no way I would fly in the middle of the night again. It was harder to spot me but still... Now that I knew that they were even willing to do something like this there was no way I was risking my freedom that easy again.

Reaper (villain rehab)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang