Playing Dumb!

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I woke up in a rather dark room and found myself chained to a desk. A closer look to the cuffs that were uses to chain me to the table I realized they were quirk-cancelling cuffs. I than started to look around and saw a two-sided mirror. I could still feel my quirk, which meant that these cuffs were not doing their job at all.


This won't keep me here for long!

But I will play with you for a little while.

I do want to know why you wanted to capture me soo badly after all!

I am curious to know what you know about me too!

Although I have quirk cancelation cuffs on, I could still feel the energy flowing around me, meaning I could use it to steal it. All the cuffs do is prevent me from moving around freely. It was not a problem for me to break them or escape but I felt like they were watching me and I am not that dumb to free myself and try to escape without knowing who and how many people were behind that glass.

Me: You wanna come and talk to me or just stare at me like a caged animal.

I may not look like it but I sure felt like a caged bird and I didn't like it one bit.

This still doesn't make any sense.

Why am I in this interrogation room?

Why am I not in a cell or a prison?

They can't know the specific connection I have with the LOV?!

Wait they can!

After I just yeeted Dabi though a portal and came to rescue...

Ok.... let's breath and calm down!

That's it!

Calm down!

You will only freak yourself out!

And then your quirk will activate and I might kill everyone in a close range...

Yep just calm down Izu!

The door opened and All Might came in.

All Might: Ok listen up I have some questions for you!

Me: Bold of you to assume I would simply listen to it!

What did you expect my attitude to be like after basically shooting me down from the sky while I try to save one of my brothers?

Did you really thing I would be like "Thank you for bringing me down" ?

Thank you my ass!

And of fucking course I am angry. Hence my friendliness!

You are very welcome to go and fuck yourself!

I didn't like being chained and this whole situation was messed up. I was not the least bit nervous. Scared yes but nothing else.

Hopefully this is all just an misunderstanding.

I really hope they won't be trying to get information out of me.

All Might: You little piece of -

Me: WHAT? SHIT? Did you look into the mirror? You look like diarrhea!

All Might: That's it! I am not playing nice anymore!

Me: Oh that was playing nice? Wow old man, I would applaud but as you can see I can't. On top of that, someone needs to get you an Oscar for that perfect act!

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