Deku that you?

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A/N: This picture above is something I made. Please don't steal or use it without my knowledge!

That night I was spending it out with Eraserhead. I asked Nezu if it would be okay to fly around town and do what I do every night. He told me I would need to have a tracker on me that could also put me down if needed and Iaccepted the conditions. Eraserhead was hiving the trigger and I was always careful to be around him and not to fly to fast so that he could see me. That night, I saved a quirkless kid and we chatted on the roof together the whole night until 3 a.m.. That was when the boy decided to go. I offered him to take him home but he only said no.

Since it was already that late, Eraserhead asked me to on a patrol with him and I said, I would only watch him do it but wouldn't go against a villain that I knew. Fun fact: I knew the back story of nearly every villain around this area so I knew when to jump in and help the villain escape.

I did that once and grabbed Eraserhead without any warnings and flew him to the rooftop settling him down. After that I told him why the man just robbed a bank. I knew it was not legal but he needed the money for his sick daughter and it was the only thing that could safe her. Once I told him that he also let go of the villain and we spent the whole night together before heading to a coffee shop.

Eraserhead: You want something?

Me: No thanks.

Eraserhead: It's on me kid. Don't be shy.

Me: No. Really, I don't need anything.

It was a cat coffee shop we were in and I had my wings hidden under a hoodie hugging myself with them so that I wouldn't freak out other people or the cats. However, as I was giving my reply to Eraserhead, 6 cats began gathering around me and I just picked a completely black cat up.

Me: Are we resting here for a bit?

Eraserhead: Yeah.

Me. I'll be sitting there in the corner and wait for you to finish ordering. Though I really don't need anything.

With that said, I went with the black cat in my hand to the table I pointed and sat down. A white one was following me too and jumped into my lap snuggling in between the black cat.

I played and patted both of them. They were purring and I was so focused on them that I haven't realized Eraserhead sitting opposite to me and the food on the table until he spoke up.

Eraserhead: They really like you.

Me: Huh.. Oh yeah. They really are lovely.

Eraserhead: Here kid. I got you a hot coca and a Crosson.

Me: Thanks, but you really didn't have too!

Eraserhead: You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, have you?

Me: No.

Eraserhead: Then this was necessary.

Me: But it also isn't something I am not used to. I mean villains are basically homeless people after all.

Eraserhead: All the reason more for you to enjoy it.

He didn't give me one chance to refuse it and so I just accepted what he bought for me and enjoyed it. It was something different indeed.

Me: Thanks!

After we both finished our breakfast and playing with the cats some more, we both headed back to UA. Once on the ground, he quickly took off the bracelet I had on. To be quite honest. I completely forgot I even had it on.

Next thing we did was going to his class since it was time to officially introduce myself to them.

Eraserhead: It took you 3 seconds to realized we are in the classroom. It is a better than last time but still not good enough!

They all looked at me and I could tell that they were not scared of me or judge me like they did yesterday.

Eraserhead: Introduce yourself!

Hawks was not in the class since he had apparently some hero work to do and so Eraserhead would look after me the whole day.

Me: Hello there! I'm Izuku Midoriya otherwise known as the Reaper. Maybe some of you heard about Fallen Angel too. Well, that's me!

With that I waved to them and they all looked at me with wide eyes the moment they head I was Fallen Angel and v. A villain doing hero work... Not the most usual thing you come across these days.

Eraserhead: Now I want you all to treat him as if he was never a villain. If anyone treats him bad, be prepared for punishment. Now I'll be in my sleeping bag the whole class. Do not bother me!

Just like that I watched him go and get into his sleeping bag but before that he gave me a warm smile that I didn't even thought was possible. After that I went over to Hitoshi since there was an empty seat and began answering their questions. They also all introduced themself to me with their quirk. I did tell them my quirk shortly after Eraserhead went to sleep. Though I was sure that he wasn't sleeping but observing and listening to the conversation.

Shoto: I... Thank you for saving me once.

It was Dabi's brother that immediately came over to me. Saved... that was such a wide spread word. All I did was picking him up while he was practicing with his personal trashcan and decided that enough was enough. Back then he had a couple of burns on his skin and I flew him to a rooftop before tending to his wounds with the small aid kit I usually carry with me.

Bakugo: .... Izuku?!

Me: Hm?

He looked at me as if he had known me but I couldn't remember him.

Bakugo: It's me Kacchan!!! I thought you were dead!!!

Me: Kacchan.... KACCHAN!!!

The moment I heard his name, I tackled him into a hug. I couldn't believe that I didn't recognize my best friend from childhood and also a brother like person to me. It was soo long that I have seen him but he looked relieved to see me and know that I was alive.

Suddenly the hero vs villain excercise made sense. He never attacked me even once while I had him in my hands and done all that shit to him.

Me: OH my gosh! I am so sorry for the excercise! I went soo rough on you!

Kacchan: It's okay. You clearly didn't recognize me.

After that we chatted for a little bit before I was bombarded with questions again.

Tsu: Why are you a villain if you are the legendary Fallen Angel?

Me: Things happened and I lost hope in the current heroes.

Tsu: Can you tell us what happened? *ribbit*

Uraraka: Tsu! It might bring up bad memories! I am sorry for her.

Me: It's okay. Well for starters I save a lot of people and try to help them as much as I can. Every homless person knows me and so I began collecting street kids that couldn't survive on their own. To make the story short, they all died because of a hero that was not able to apprehend a villain properly. 42 kids died that day. They were like family to me.

Momo: That's horrible!

Me: It is and that's why I thought that the society would be better without them since no one is lecturing them or punishing them. I took it upon myself and that's how I became Reaper.

Iida: That is indeed tragic. Though heroism is still commendable!

After that we just began talking about anything from their past lives. They all began sharing stories with me and I could say that the class and I began bonding. It felt nice and I never wanted to kill the future generation of heroes. They still didn't do anything bad and their hero account was empty too. I could shape them into fine heroes since I was already here.

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