Using Me

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Using me:

We went back in light of Aaron's phone. We both were not saying anything but walking side by side.

" Good night then" I said as we reached my camp , crossing my arms on my chest.

" Yeah good night and sleep. Don't come outside if not necessary in night." I nodded my head and after few moments of awkwardness we again greeted each other good night wishes and I went inside my barrack. I entered and found Lidia sleeping peacefully. I wanted to scream harder out of joy as my heart started pounding remembering the moments we just shared. He kissed me ! He kissed me! Only these words were roaming around my head. I laid in my place biting my lips and eventually drifted to sleep thinking about him.


I woke up hearing the sounds of students doing exercise which Caleb was accomplishing . Someone was talking yesterday that he also worked as a trainer in gym that's why he had a brawny muscular body. I woke up and saw the time I slept late at night that's why I woke up late. I went outside and saw Lidia was approaching me. I wanted to tell her everything as she was my best friend and had a right to know what was going on in her best friend's life. " Hey you all good?" She asked me standing beside me.

" Yes I am why you are asking?" I turned my face to her. " No its nothing you woke up late today so I just asked" . I shook my head , and was about to go but Lidia stopped me by saying

"Caleb was asking for you. He was looking a little bit worried." She looked at me. "I don't know why he was looking for me. There would be some work may be he was looking for it" I shrugged my shoulders not know exactly what work Caleb had from me?.

" May be" Lidia spoke to me. Then added "Go freshen up we are going for hiking today" She excitedly jumped from her feet. I laughed at her and went to accomplish my daily morning chores.

When I came back I joined the exercise . Caleb stopped for a minute when he spotted me then again started. His face was looking more stern as compared to the other days. I didn't know what was triggering him but had a gut feeling that it involved me. After doing exercise, we all were going to get ready for today's hiking on the western side of the island. I was finding Lidia when Caleb approached me.

" Hey" He tried to smile. I smiled back and greeted him. I waited for him to speak . He was looking at me like arranging the words in his mind.

" You know in bus I told a story about a queen who was betrayed?" I nodded my head in affirmation I and Lidia wanted to hear full story from him in detail. I really feel bad for the queen who was betrayed . How could a person broke someone's heart only for their sake.

" And I also told something else, related to this." I looked at him in confusion as I couldn't remember anything.

" I told you not to fall in love with someone here or otherwise you will get betrayed like the queen" He said with a serious tone, which erupted goosebumps all over by bare arms.

" Yeah but that was just a myth" I tried to smile but he didn't .

" Still I am warning you to be careful you are here for just three weeks then you will go back" He didn't wait for my answer and went away leaving me in pool of questions .

What he is talking about? Is he talking about Aaron and me? May be he told him about us after all they are friends. But why he is telling me to be careful?

I shook my head to erase negative thoughts from my mind and went for Lidia . We all starting preparing for hiking I and Lidia wore same black shirts with white puffy insulated jackets with attached hood and wool hats from which our hairs were cascading down to our chests. We both had long hairs as we love our hairs. We wore our hiking boots went outside where everyone was already gathered and waiting for Professor Jonathan and Aaron. I didn't see him from morning.

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