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I was grabbing the boxes with the help of Caleb who came when I was struggling in descending the boxes from the boat and suddenly his hand came grabbing the box with me . He stared at me with a serious emotion. Sometimes I thought that he had some type of grudge against me as he always saw me like I am doing something illegal. He offered me a hand and I let him help me as I couldn't hold them alone. We were walking towards the camps, boxes in our hands.

"Did you talk with Aaron?" He asked me from nowhere. I didn't understand the point of his question like about what I had to talk with him.

"About what?" I asked with a confusion.

" About anything. You two seems very close." He said with a stern voice .

" We are not close , we just ..we are just talk like a guide and a student " I shrugged my shoulders as I myself didn't know what we are and why we seemed so close to everyone as Lidia also thought of us like caleb did. At first I also thought that he was interested in me but he proved me wrong after confessing he didn't date anyone . I just wanted to smash his head in some of these tress around us or push him in the cold lake to bring him around his senses because if he didn't date then why he kissed me and let me gather hopes.

I sighed thinking of him I was the one stupid who started thinking about him who didn't say anything to me. Might be just got attracted for a second when we were sat gazing at the stars. Whenever he about to kiss me his eyes always changed. They were already cold but then they turned more cold .

" It's good that you are a guide and a student only" He stated as we reached the camps. Other class fellows came to give us a hand they took boxes from me. Caleb also went with them and I moved towards Lidia who was talking to someone . I joined them . I looked around and found him nowhere wondering what work he had to do so urgent that he left me alone there knowing that I can't grab the boxes by myself. I shook my head realizing my heart that he didn't even deserve it's concern but yet it was yearning for his attention.

The weather was quite pretty but there was one thing about this Island that the sun never shines here. The sky was always cloudy there and the southern region of the Island were always surrounded by the dark grey clouds which looked very horrendous and may that's the reason that no one tried to go there after the warning from Aaron .


Today was held a bonfire again as the weather was good and there was no indication of rain . Mostly it rains there every night but when I didn't we always held a bonfire.

Everyone was sitting in their respective places with red cups in their hands . I didn't drink so I had mango juice instead of alcohol in my red cup. Everyone was enjoying games and stupid remarks from the bad boys towards the nerds including me but we didn't mind as we were used to it.

Songs were playing in the background at low volume . They were at high volume first but earning a death glare from Aaron they turned it down . He was in his usual black attire and looking breathtakingly handsome . Everyone scared of him there but said name behind him like arrogant jerk, hot asshole etc . For me he was a mystery as he was very cold in his appearance and by his eyes too . I just wanted to solve him. He was a question for me .

"Let's dance " everyone cheered up as a rock music started playing . Lidia and I also stood up for a dance. We were doing didn't know what but that was definitely not called dance. Caleb and Aaron were sitting with professor jonathan . Everyone insisted them for dance but they denied. We could expect this from professor as he was old but their denial was not fitting with us . When they asked them the reason after mocking them that they are old then stated that they just didn't like it. We shrugged and started dancing .

We were laughing at our steps as we were looking very funny but I got startled when I felt someone's body grinding with mine. I turned to look to find James smirking at me.

"Hey come dance" he was too much drunk as I could smell the alcohol from his mouth.

"I don't want it James" I tried to push him but he grabbed me by my arm and pressed me with his body by placing the other hand on my waist.

Everyone was busy enjoying there moment , no one was looking at us. I didn't want to create a scene that's why I asked him decently to let me go but he didn't listen me. He was swaying me with him forcefully with the rhythm of the music. My eyes moistened as he was not letting me go despite my pleas .

I gasped when suddenly a punch landed on James' jaw . I got started by what just happened. I looked at my saviour to find Aaron who was glaring at him in anger with his clenched fist like he would burst out in any second.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF HER" Aaron roared making me flinch back. James looked at him terrified with his one hand on his mouth where blood was present as Aaron ouch busted his upper lip. James looked at me then at his raging form in hatred,he was about to say something but dropped the idea and went away. Obviously he couldn't fight with Aaron because he was double the size of james Luckily we didn't grab any attention.

I took a sigh but my breath got hitched as I saw towards him whose piercing amber eyes were glaring at me. I gulped thinking what had I done that he was angry at me. He took a step forward but stopped and immediately walked back . I looked at his back which disappeared in the crowd of students dancing. I didn't understand his mood swings.

Why he act like this?

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