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She walked towards the vanity table as to take bandage from the drawer completely ignoring the presence of the beast coming behind her. She could see him smirking through the mirror but didn't pay heed to him as she wasn't in mood to hold up a fight with that beast. She was bandaging her wound but he abruptly grabbed her hand and started doing it himself. He didn't like a bit of her ignoring him like this as he wasn't use to this attitude because he was the King and everyone was used to roam around him like bees roam around a flower for its sweet nectar.

She jerked her hand away from him as she didn't trust him because he could start sucking her blood anytime.

She was about to walk out of room but didn't succeed in it as he pulled her to himself. She started punching on his chest but to no avail.

"I am not your slave anymore. Let me go" she hissed near his face , wriggling in his embrace, causing his smirk to grow wider.

"You are the Queen for the people but for me you are still my slave. Because I bestowed you with a new life or otherwise you would be a food for other vampires." He said while removing her curls ,kissing her cheeks, behind her ears.

"I would be more happy to become their food rather than being your Queen. I don't want to remain under your mercy. Now leave me." She said pulled herself away from him with full force as he allowed her to but her words raged him to hell as he fisted her hairs from her nape causing her to yelp in pain.

"You have to be under my mercy this till my last breath. Or if you won't understand it as soon as possible then it will make your life hell and I will do it for you. "He hissed near her lips as he leaned in , capturing her sweet petals in his. Her curls were still in his tight grip as he jerked them to make her gasp. Availing the opportunity he entered his tongue to devour her mouth.

She dragged her hand towards his hairs as she pulled them to make him stop as she was feeling disgusting by his touch. But he groaned at her act as it ignited his desires. She started throwing her hands in the air as his touch was burning her body.

"Don't ever use this pretty mouth of yours to make me angry." He said when he released her when she was out of oxygen. She was panting as her face was flushed due to anger. He after seeing her form one last time , marched out of the room. She threw the vase away on the bed out of frustration. She groaned as she was feeling herself the most helpless person in the world. She walked towards her office after composing herself from outside as work was waiting for her.


She was busy in her work when some sounds interrupted her from outside. She ran outside to take a look but the sight ahead her made her to gasp in horror. The whole hall was burning in fire . Workers were running here and there. Some were trying to cool the fire but to no avail. She after coming out of shock walked towards them as their whole hard work was getting ruined in front of their eyes.

She started screaming for water as some peasants were taking buckets full of water. Everyone came in vampire's speed as they approached the hall with worry on their faces, including Aaron. All the workers were working in their fast pace as tears were continuously streaming down Alaina's cheeks. She worked so hard , her workers were working day and and night to complete the project in time but everything was ruined. Her work was burning in front of her and she had nothing to stop it. It was her first project after being a Queen , everyone trusted her as they were working in her supervision. But she couldn't do anything. Her designs , materials and dresses were turning into ashes in front of her eyes.

She was looking everyone in trauma as she didn't realized that fires catched her gown from behind. Aaron ran towards her in a swift as he grabbed her by her elbow and turned the fire down with his shoes. The entire time she was just looking at her work. Everything around her was soundless as she didn't pay any attention towards anyone. She didn't know when Aaron ordered Valerie to take her out of here , when she walked out of the hall and when she sat on the couch in the living room.

"Take it." Her trance broke as Valerie handed her water. She took it with trembling hands and after taking few sips of cold water her nerves soothe to some limit.

"Everything is ruined." She said staring at the carpet as Valerie took the glass from her hands. Tears were streaming down from her eyes as she raised her head to look everyone coming towards them in the living room as Aaron had cold expression on his face but worry was evident in his eyes.

"Everything is burned. The dresses, the material and the designs everything."Umera spoke up as a gloomy environment was surrounding the place. Aunt Marina also shook her head.

"How it happened? Are you guys were sleeping?" Aunt Marina scolded the workers as Alaina felt like she was scolding her because she was the head of all this.

"We don't know Aunt . We were busy in our work." The workers spoke up in their defense.

"It's in fate. We should think about our next step." Umera spoke up to calm Aunt Marina.

" It wasn't in fate. It was all planned ." Aaron spoke for the first time in the entire situation. Alaina looked at him who was staring at her with a deadly coldness in his eyes. Alaina felt queasiness under his gaze she didn't know why he was staring at her.

"Yes it was planned as I found some petrol back in the hall." Thomas spoke in his gruff voice causing distressed among the workers as they were suspicious as who could have done that.

"The traitor is between us as no other person is allowed to enter the castle." Aaron's spoke up as he diverted his attention from Alaina.

"But you don't have to worry. We have pass through many problems bigger than this. We will pass through this too. And I will find the person behind this who ruined your strenuous work which you did with full dedication and zeal. " Aaron's spoke to his people as his voice echoed in the room. Everyone eventually walked out of the room as Aaron also marched towards his office followed by Thomas and Trevor . They had to find the cause and the person behind this.

"I feel sorry for you. I know you worked very hard but don't take stress King will find the person behind all this." Aunt Marina spoke as she saw Alaina's eyes turning pink for continuously crying. Umera grabbed her to take her towards her room as her body was trembling and she didn't have energy to drag her ass.

She collapsed her body on the bed as she was facing the ceilings. She ,for the first time in her life, took such big responsibility but she couldn't perform it well. She closed her eyes to ease the burning sensation but jolted up abruptly as the door opened up harshly followed by Aaron who closed it with a loud thud. He marched towards her with body raging in anger. Alaina couldn't understand what happened to him suddenly. She stood up from the bed abruptly but he again jerked her on the bed as he grabbed her mouth with his calloused hand making her lips to pop out.

"Why in the fucking hell you did this?"

"Why in the fucking hell you did this?"

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