Kill her

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Kill Her:
He walked out of the office as his mind was captured by the thoughts of traitors. He had to expose the traitors before they could harm anyone especially Alaina. He couldn't endure any harm to her. He had done so much to her already he couldn't do more. Many plans were whirling in his mind and on many he had doubt but what he heard from Alaina about Trevor and Isabella didn't pleased him much. Trevor should tell him if he had something with Isabella as he was his friend. Caleb and Trevor were the only one on whom he could trust without any hesitation. But there he had to think twice about them.

He was walking towards his room but the sight in front of him made him clenched his jaw. Alaina was busy in talking with Noah, the most irritated person he had ever seen. He couldn't hear what they were talking about as they both were looking very serious. He marched towards them as Alaina saw him coming and shut her mouth immediately.

"Any problem?" Aaron asked with a stern look as he was planning how to separate Noah's neck from his body. Noah could sense his hatred but it couldn't affect him as he smirked.

"Nothing just talking to your Queen." Noah said signaling at Alaina who had sweat on her forehead as if she had captured while murdering. She looked everywhere but Aaron.

" There is nothing for you here. If you wanna talk about something then come to me." Aaron said as he snaked his arm around Alaina's waist, pulling her to him possessively.

Noah just nodded his head as he couldn't say anything against King's order. He after glancing at Alaina walked away.

"FUCK." Aaron released Alaina with a jerk and walked inside the room. Alaina after moderating her breathings followed him to find him throwing away his coat on the floor out of frustration.

"I-its just.. h-he w-was just talking a-about a book I took from libr..." Alaina tried to make him understand as he was sat on the couch with frustration evident all over his face.

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT YOU WERE TALKING TO THAT BLOODY BUSTARD. BUT FROM NOW YOU WON'T TALK TO HIM. UNDERSTOOD?" Aaron screamed making her flinch back. Tears started gathering in her eyes at his harsh tone.

"B-but why? " She asked forcing her tears to stay in.

"Because I don't like him at all. He always try to find ways to offend me. He will use you." If there would be someone else besides Alaina , he would have murdered him already for questioning after his orders. He said after few minutes still in a harsh tone but this time in a low voice as he had seen tears in her eyes who was standing drowned deep in the thoughts.

"Look here." Aaron sighed as he made her sit with him by pulling her from his hand. She sat with a lowered face not wanting to make an eye contact with him.

"Right now we have to find the traitor. It's our prime responsibility now. Only you and I should know about that. You won't tell anyone about this that we are after the traitors. Do you get that?" Aaron explained at which she nodded her head as she also wanted to expose the traitors who ruined everything.

"But what we have to do?" Alaina asked making him drowned in his thoughts placing a smirk on his face.


"Yes master." Everyone including Umera , Valerie and Isabella entered his office which was clad in the darkness as only the moonlight coming across the garden , illuminating the whole room. Dread was evident in everyone's faces as he was staring at them with cold expressions like he usually did.

"I have a work for you all." Aaron said as he stood up from the chair and rested his back at the table by folding his arms against his chest, giving them a perfect scrutinizing gaze. His workers have a practice to hide their thoughts from him whenever he tried to read them but they thought they won but they couldn't as he was a the most powerful King for a reason.

"I have a doubt on our Queen." The king blurted out as everyone nodded their head. "I saw her and Noah talking together and I don't trust Noah. So, I have a doubt she is mingling with that piece of shit. I want you to be careful and you are allowed to kill her at the moment whenever you found her doing something wrong. I have lost trust on her " Aaron ended with a venomous tone and everyone gasped at his statement. No king could allow to kill her own Queen. It's for the first time any King had said that. After dismissing the meeting everyone exited the office as they were still stupefied at the revelation.

Aaron smirked while sitting on his chair as he knew no one would try to do that act except the traitors. He just have to wait for the traitors wrong step.


It's been three days since she had a talk with Noah as Aaron restricted her to talk with him. But she had to talk with him as every plan was built by him. She was busy in her thoughts while walking in the backyard. This side of the castle always soothe her chaotic mind. But unlikely to her, Aaron always found that place a burden. He came only whenever he had to talk with her because he knew she liked that place.

She was was walking as she heard a sound of shuffling behind her back. Aaron wasn't in the castle as he had gone for some work nor Noah was there as he wasn't allowed to come in that area of the castle and worker always came with a sound bowing their head at her.

She tried to turned around in a swift as living with the vampires she had learnt some techniques. She turned around to find a sharp pointed small knife sword ready to split her skull into two parts. But luck was on her side as she dodged that attack and fell on the ground as her crown fell away. She looked to find who dared to do that to her but she froze seeing the person before her.

"You!" She rasped.

"You!" She rasped

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