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She woke up to find no one in the room as usual but this morning was far more gloomy than the other ones. She dragged her body to the washroom as she had no energy inside her even for talking with someone. After freshening up and hiding the marks of that beast's brutality she went downstairs. She entered into the kitchen to see Isabella and Valerie whispering in each other ears. They both gasped seeing her pale so and red puffy eyes . She was looking very weak.

"Are you okay?" Valerie asked as she just nodded her head and sat on the dining chair. Valerie brought her breakfast but she demanded carrots juice so she went to make it. She was taking her breakfast in a very slow pace as Valerie brought her juice which she gulped in one sip.

"Is there any news?" Alaina asked both of them as she was done with her breakfast.

"Yes, we heard that the traitors are two, one woman and one man." They both nodded her heads as Valerie explained her. She realized why he was asking about the man. She sighed as she didn't know what she should do now because she wasn't allowed to enter the workspace and she was eager to find out that traitor.

She started roaming around the castle as she decided to walk towards the garden. While she was heading to garden she saw a door of a room slightly opened. She entered the room to find a huge library their . She gasped seeing four walls completely suffused with books of every kind. She walked towards a shelf as books were her weakness .

Her heart beamed in delight as she, after so many days, had a chance to read a book. Thee were mostly history books as only one shelf was pervaded with fictional books. She glanced at the book beauty and the beast . Seeing it she realized her situation as she was the human and that vampire was a beast but the beast in the book was a good one , at least good by his heart but her beast was a cruel and ruthless King of this Island which she had started loathing the most. She was lost in her thoughts but startled when she sensed someone's presence behind her.

"Hey. You must be the Queen right." She turned around to find a handsome man with chocolate colored eyes and a smirk on his lips. He was staring at her head to toe as Alaina felt queasiness under his gaze.

"Yeah. I am." She briefly answered as she grabbed pride and prejudice in her hands.

"Hey . I am Noah . I came from the Nano vampires as you know about our loss after dealing with you." He said with his hands crossed at his back. Alaina shot up her head when she heard about the project.

"Your loss?" She asked with a raised brow as after the fire they were the one especially she was the one who had beared such a big loss. The castle was the most effected in all of this.

"Yes , we trusted you but you broke the trust and waste our time. We should have signed this project with someone else." Noah said in an annoyed tone causing Alaina to boil in rage.

"This is the first time that we couldn't complete the project and you haven't any loss in it. We are the one who have to bear such a big loss. You will sign the project with someone else." Alaina spoke in anger as she raised her neck in a proud manner causing him to remember he was was talking with a Queen.

"First time." He scoffed. " It's only few months since you are here still you are talking about in their favor. Believe me your King is the most cruel man I had ever seen." Noah chuckled as he said those words causing her mouth wide open as he was saying such words about the King so easily. If Aaron would be there he must have been fallen on the ground with bruises all over his face.

"I am from the Nano vampires , no King have an ability to raise a finger on me." He sensed her thoughts as she was glaring at him in pure hatred.

"You are saying this behind his back . You don't have any nerve to say all these things in front of his face. Dare to do it and he will do things far beyond just raising a finger at you and never forget again that you are talking to the Queen of this Island . Be careful next time." She smiled bitterly at the end and exited the library leaving him alone with gritted teeth.


She was busy reading the book when Valerie entered the garden. Alaina knew about what she wanna talk about as she closed her book diverting all her attention towards her.

"What you decided about it?" Valerie asked a soon as she approached her. "Are you planning to escape?" She further added.

" Yes, I am but..." Alaina took a long sigh." I want to capture the traitor first as everyone think I am the one who did this." She stated as Valerie nodded her head.

"Who do you think the traitor will be?" Alaina asked as she was staring at the flowers which thrones hurt her . Aunt Marina appeared in her figment of imagination but she hook her head as she could never do such a cheap tactic.

"I don't know. It's first time something happened in the castle as our enemies never dared to enter the castle because they know what King will do to them." Valerie explained as her neck raised in proud manner admiring the King. Everyone , despite knowing that their King is a ruthless and cruel man, admired him alot and would remain loyal to him always.

"Enemies?" Alaina asked as she wanted to know about his rivals. Valerie told her about a group of citizens in the Island who were the old ones here. They hated the King because they thought Aaron wasn't worthy of the Island's Kingship. They were waiting for a chance so that they could get revenge from him as he forcefully invaded the Island.

"Is that guy ,named Noah , will live here?" Alaina asked after she nodded her head in a deep thought.

"Noah" Valerie scoffed. "He just wants to intimate the King so that he can get in easily inside our castle as he is also one of the vampires of that group. He will live here for few days so that he can examine the situation of the castle and they had already signed the project with Sir Trevor's company. " Valerie explained her.

Alaina just nodded her but startled when Valerie slapped her palm on her forehead as she cursed herself.

"I forgot, King has summoned all of us in the hall . I came here to tell you. I am so dumb." Valerie said as she stood up followed by Alaina as they walked towards the hall to see everyone was already sitting and Aaron was standing with a piercing gaze on her. Most probably they were waiting for her. Alaina didn't make any eye contact with him as she didn't want him to hear her thoughts roaming around her mind.

"I think everyone is here now." Aaron's voice echoed in the room as he folded his hands behind him. Alaina settled herself on the couch while Valerie stood beside Isabella.

"So, we haven't done our commitment due to our mistakes and because of the traitors too at which I can sense your grief and sorrow but now we have to move on as I had invited the whole Island and some other guests for the Luna in the castle. We will start our new journey from now on with a determination that we will find that traitors. You people can start the arrangements from now on. " Aaron ended his speech and after glancing at Alaina he walked out of the hall within a second. Alaina could sense everyone's gloomy faces were changed into cheerful ones.

"What is it?" She asked Aunt Marina sitting beside her. She told her about Luna that it's a name of a festival which vampires do every year. But because of that incident no one was preparing for it but now the King had announced so the preparations would start then.


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