4. Uninvited guests

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Austin Silver POV

I lay awake and keep my eyes closed, I'm trying hard to listen to the pouring rain coming from the opposite side of the cold walls of my cell but my mind keeps racing.

I've surprisingly had a lot on my mind since last night, which is not like me. I honestly shouldn't give a fuck about anyone other than myself, people get you killed or worse, get you vulnerable. I can't afford either of those right now.

This brings me back to this moment, it's quiet in Crowshore max prison today, which causes concern to me for several reasons since it's been far too long since I heard the silence in these halls, the very same halls as me with the most deadly criminals as my neighbors. 

Warden fucking John Bishop is being a pain in my ass lately, ever since our chat, he has been obvious to read in how fear has loomed over him.

I need to cut my losses soon or this will become troublesome to the empire I have built for the past fifteen years and no Warden or Government is bringing what I made to a halt.

Danny stirs awake and grunts as he hangs his legs off the bed before he jumps down and goes to the toilet to take a piss. He looks at me and nods, the fresh new scar on his face now large and turning blue, the events in the yard fucked him up, luckily nothing caused any serious damage.

We had killed at least four of Toby's people, meaning all that's left is the rest of the walking dead men, a hit is on their head, if not my people, other gangs in here will go for the opportunity. 

"Man, is it weird to piss blood?" Danny chuckles as he grunts out, at the same time I hear the metal gate to our cellblock open down the hall.

I laugh and sit up. "Is when you get stabbed." I say hinting at his bandage around his stomach.

"That fucker is gonna pay." He says, with promise and I lean against the cell bars as I see fish the guard stop in front of me and my cell.

"Silver, your lawyer is here." Fish says and I raise a brow confused.

That's not for another week, someone wants my attention. "What did they look like?" I ask the new guard and he crosses his arms and thinks hard.

"Skinny tall woman, black hair, suit, and heels. Way too good for you Silver." He says with attitude and it causes me to laugh.

Definitely not my lawyer, my lawyer is called Sam, he works for me and he is definitely not skinny. 

I lean off the bars and turn around, my letting the new guard cuff me, I see Danny look uninsured as usual whenever someone calls for me, gives him more time to jerk off to his girl's photos.

The cell doors close behind me and I'm being escorted to the other side of the prison to a room I know all too well, upon entering I see the woman I know very well, CIA bitch Cathy Luman Rodrick.

I sit down in front of her and glare whilst my hands are handcuffed to the table, she has yet to say a word.

The rookie guard leaves the room and Cathy snorts, causing me to lean back as best as I can to get a proper look at her. "Let me guess, you miss me?" I say with a wink and she glares.

"Austin Silver, It's come to our attention a good friend of yours is singing, perhaps you know who I'm talking about?" She asks, crossing her legs and leaning back in her chair, smugly.

I laugh in her face. "I don't have friends sweetheart, be more specific." 

Cathy sighs and gets a piece of paper from her folder. "Tell me Austin, where is Marko Milandi?" She says as she slams a photo on the desk.

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