18. Broken pieces

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Third Person POV

In the abandoned building filled with old workshop equipment, the only sound within the largely empty building is the droplets of water from the pipes hitting the ground, a constant reminder for some, that quietness was a must.

Rose and Max sat faced each other, tied to the seats they were sat in, and gagged with tape over their mouths, quiet they had to be or who knows what the sisters may do, after so much protesting on Rose's end, she did not dare defy her kidnappers any more giving the last time she had tried.


"P-Please let us go!" Rose cries out, her hair being dragged by one of the women known as Daisy.

Daisy had enough of the young woman's cries and whining, her sister gave strict instructions to not harm the girl or the young boy that they had taken from Austin's home, so Daisy did what she was told, but that didn't mean she couldn't play dirty.

A painful kick to the ribs had Rose breathless, gasping for breath as her eyes focus solely on her sobbing little brother tied tightly to the chair across the room. "That is your last warning, next time I shoot the boy in the leg." Daisy says, casually as she drags Rose to her feet roughly by her arm.

Rose's arms and legs were tied, making it extremely difficult to walk, the dragging of Daisy made her fall constantly, her legs already bloodied and bruised from the rocks and glass on the old abandoned factory floor. 

She wanted to cry out for Austin, but couldn't. 

Instead, she looks towards her confused and pained little brother, she tried her best to smile at him and hope he could read her face 'it's going to be okay' she would say in her head, repeatably, knowing that she couldn't let Max see her give up.

Rose knew Austin would come for her and Max, he had to, he was their last hope to get out of this alive.


Rose immediately tenses up when she hears voices, belonging to none only then the crazy Iguana sisters that she had learned they are called, they had taken Rose and Max from their home and tied them to the chairs, she had watched them set up traps throughout the whole building, enough to destroy this and buildings around them.

Hope was becoming wishful thinking the longer she had watched them plant bombs of all shapes and sizes throughout the room, hidden in machinery and the walls, some even in the floors, they had covered them with cardboard boxes and old vehicles.

Rose could no longer see as her eyes were blindfolded, but she knew the sisters were not alone as they walked, she could hear multiple footsteps coming towards her and Max, heavy boots heading straight in her direction.

Angel was having so much fun.

It has been too long since she had seen Austin, now to have his plaything in her grasp, it had been too tempting giving the timing and situation. The young girl Rose was just sitting there, all lovely and alone with only a few men to protect her in such a big house, it was almost too easy for Angel to get her hands onto Austin's lover and the small brat.

She wasn't mad at Austin for giving up her sister, in fact, she wanted to thank him, perhaps persuade him to work with her again, she wanted to go solo from her sisters, they had become too much of a hassle as of recently, the CIA and FBI are getting closer and closer with each passing day, Angel knew she needed to work fast to get on Austin's side.

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