13. 46, without pineapple

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Austin Silver POV

I hadn't thought this through entirely when I had mentioned that I was free- rather quickly may I add, I didn't fully think about what the fuck I was agreeing to, I was just answering on impulse, the way Rose looked at me had knocked me on my arse, I had forgotten all about my horrible day at the shipyard this morning.

Now here I am, fresh out of prison and lounging in the pool with Rose and her little brother Max, not once did I think about how this could be bad for me, shit- I even thought id have fun, but watching her now, playing with her brother, I can't help but think of all the ways this could go wrong for me.

I've made my intentions fairly clear around Rose on how I feel about her, I haven't lied to her about anything and I don't think I ever will, there's no point to it now that she's signed all the necessary documents, not that I will use them against her, there's no escaping me now that I want her.

I want her wrapped around me, in every way, but most of all, I want her.

Watching her play with her brother in that bikini has been torture for me, I'm rock hard under this water and it's all her fault, the way her small round arse kept teasing me every time she would walk out of the pool had me hypnotized like a god damn hawk, and when she made her way back into the pool, the sway of her hips and the bounce in her step made me instantly focus on her breasts.

What good breasts they were, perfect and perky, never have I ever complimented a woman so much in my life, had no reason to, I've never felt this need to consume a woman before, and definitely not one such as Rose, innocent and naive, kind but strong, traits I've never found attractive until now, until I met Rose.

"Awstin, catch!" Max calls out too late, a beach ball connects with my face before I could even blink or react.

"Oh- Max! Austin are you alright?" Rose asks, coming closer to me at the edge of the pool.

I want to groan out, not because a ball just hit me in the face, I barely felt it, but because Rose looks fucking incredible coming towards me, her wet hair in ringlets down her face, her sun-blushed cheeks, but more importantly, the worried look on her face, it fucking does things to me I never thought possible.

"Yeah, sorry I spaced out.." I pause, my throat dry. "Here." I hand her the beach ball.

She smiles shyly, taking the ball from me and then passing it to a giggle Max. "You can talk to me if you want, I mean about whatever is making you spaced out." She mumbles out.

I smirk and shake my head. "It's alright Rose, I'm just fuc- tired, really tired."

She nods her head slowly, unsure what to say.

I lean off the side of the pool and swim next to her, noticing something in her head I reach for it and remove it, a petal from the tree blooming above us had flown in her hair, not that I had cared, I noticed a while back.

But having her this close to me now, I used it as an excuse to touch her. "Got it." I say lowly, inches from Rose.

I notice how her eyes flutter from my stare, her cheeks becoming redder by the second by my touch. "T-Thanks." She shutters.

The way her eyes wander over my body shyly already tells me what I know, she feels the same for me as I do for her, and it's fucking exhilarating to know because fuck- I want to slip her bikini bottoms off and shove my cock inside of her right now.

I touch her forehead with my hand as I frown to grin the grin off my face. "You ok? You're all red."

Her eyes widen. "Y-Yeah.. Uh, must be the sun.. I should get out.. yeah." She mumbles nervously.

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