14. His girl

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Rose Clark POV

What am I doing? No really, WHY am I going to his room right now, knowing exactly why he asked me to come here, and I know it's not just so we can have a simple 'talk', no of course not, it's something more than that, something I know is not a good idea.

I should turn around, just drop it, it's none of my business.

But I like him, I really shouldn't though, he's on the most wanted list, he's a bad guy but.. so far he's been none of those things with me and Max, he gave me a job, a roof over mine and my brothers head, hell he even gave me a high paycheck I will never get at another job.

That's not all though, he's nice to me and treats me as his equal, he's comfortable in his own skin and he goes out of his way to speak to me and Max, even though he is still my employer.

I'm not coming to his room because of all that though, no.

Truthfully I don't know why I'm doing this, I just know if I don't I might regret it, he is so interesting as a person and I like talking to him, he makes me smile and feel safe when he touches me... I can't describe how good it makes me feel, there's just something about him I am so drawn to.

Being incredibly handsome and a body covered in tattoos is just a bonus.

After he left the pool, which was seven hours ago, I haven't seen him since. I did hear his driver drive off so I presume he went out. Roughly about an hour ago, the car returned but I was bathing Max so I didn't see him go into his room.

This brings me outside of his bedroom door right now, it's 8 PM and Max is fast asleep in his bedroom here at the house, there are others outside walking around the building, Austins security take their job very serious, no doubt because of who Austin is, apart from them, it's just me and Max on the estate.

Maybe he's not home? He might've changed his mind or business might have pulled him away for the night, that would be totally cool, so fine, totally ok!

I take a deep breath and knock on his bedroom door three times and wait.

I hear movement coming from behind the door and I feel as if I'm about to pass out from how fast my heart is beating.

The door opens and Austin stands there in grey sweatpants and no shirt, his hair is messy and it looks like he just got up from a nap.

"I didn't think you would show up."

He steps aside and opens the door, and nods for me to come inside, so I do.

His bedroom is clean apart from the bed looks like I was right, I woke him up. "Sorry, If I had known you were sleeping.."

Austin shut the door and I hear him lock it, making me jump slightly. "I should thank you." He walks past me and sits on the sofa, opposite the bed. "I wanted to have this talk."

I swallow hard and nod my head, I go to sit next to him on the sofa and then I look around nervously. "Mhm." I clear my throat. "So, what do you want to talk about?" I ask quietly, feeling his hard eyes on me.

Jesus, why does he always look so good, and without a top? I can't even look at him, I'm staring at anything but him, I'm just too overwhelmed by being this close to him, he's intimidating yes but.. it's something else that makes me uneasy.

I don't think I trust myself.

"Me and you." He pauses. "After all we live together and I don't know a thing about you, you know all about me and my.. business, I'm a search away but you.. that's something I'm interested in." He says, leaning forward to look at me sidely.

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