17. Her world

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Austin Silver POV

Upon arriving at the gates of the house, I knew that instantly something is wrong.

Call it intuition of a life spent on the other side of the tracks, but I knew something happened and shit, I was right once I entered through the gates to the house.

Rose and Max were gone, taken from me.

My men lay on the floor, surrounded in blood, murdered, and I knew who did it.

I'm fucking seething, my blood boiling with how angry I am right now and all I see is black spots in my vision at the endless possibilities of what is happening to them right now, knowing the sisters as well as I do, they will soon make a move.

I can't let that happen.

Gripping the black box with the ring inside, I put it securely back into my pocket and then get my gun out then snap my fingers to one of my men. "Stock up on ammunition, call back the Leeky brothers, and prep the men, we leave in an hour!" I roar out my orders.

Once everyone around me scurries to obey my demands, I look around and scan the room.

Signs of a struggle were apparent, Rose fought back against whoever dragged her out of the house, I don't see any signs from Max's bedroom that he struggled, knowing he's only a small boy I don't doubt he never tried.

I need to get them back, at all costs.

With the CIA pushing forward to get any information on me to arrest me, I can't just fucking stand here and watch them get away with this shit, and I can't go to Sam or anyone within the FBI, not now that I've killed Don Maro De Sicia.

There's only one person I can go to now, Marko Milandi, it's a long shot since he's in hiding but he is most likely the last to work with the sisters.

Grabbing my phone and dialing his recent burner number, I pace and wait for him to answer.

"Who the fuck is this?" 

I breathe out stressed. "Marko, It's Austin, I'm calling for intel."

Marko laughs. "Shit my man, I heard you popped Sicia, that bastard had it coming no?" He laughs out again. "What the fuck do you want from me Silver?" He asks.

"Iguana sisters took something of mine, I want it back." I pause. "I heard you worked with Angel last, where is she?" I ask, my voice hard.

"Of yours you say?" He hums. "She's a little young for you no? But then again, such a beautiful woman, small and innocent thing-"

As usual, he's keeping tabs on me, which means others are too, this isn't the best news, but I knew he is capable of finding out.

I grind my teeth and close my eyes to stop myself from snapping. "Location, now!" 

"Woah, I am merely only curious." He chuckles. "That crazy pendejo bitch has a place outside of town, about a mile out, heavily guarded, tripwires, bombs in the walls, the chick is super paranoid as usual."

I rub my forehead and close my eyes. "I take it you also know about her sister, Tamara?"

Marko snorts. "Crazy bitch, I figured it was only a matter of time, Angel blames you so she took your girl?" He pauses. "Never stick your dick in crazy my friend."

I remove the phone from my ear to hang up, but I hear Marko say wait.

"What?" I snap out, checking my watch for the time.

Almost time to leave.

"A warning from a friend Silver, watch your back, CIA is moving on my turf, and whispers of an undercover FBI agent gone rogue has infiltrated our ranks. I fear these aren't going away until you get your house in order."

What? "Come for me Marko and I will kill you." I warn deadly, venom laced in my tone with promise.

"Noted." He says stiffly, then hangs up.

I throw the phone to one of my men to dispose of it then walk past them, Ivan hands me a gun as he comes to walk beside me. "Are we ready?" I ask him, as we walk towards the armored BMW pulling up next to me.

"Yes boss, the sniper is in position at the giving location." Ivan says.

I open the door and look back at him. "Confirmation?"

He nods his head once and that is all I need, I shut the door and nod at the driver to go.

We leave the gates of the house and head straight for the location that Marko provided, confirmation of Rose and Max being there are true, I had wired money to Marko for the intel, after all, it's only now a matter of time until Angel and her psycho sister make a move.

Angel is no normal woman, she was born in war, she put Rose and Max directly into view so I could see that they were there, she wants me to know they are there, so she can trap me.

Of course, it's a trap, I expect no less than my protege. 

It was a mistake to keep the Iguana sisters around, I knew they were unstable, Tamara and Daisy were manageable but Angel had a bigger voice than her sisters and that was the thing I liked the most about her, she had a vision, she was always the one in command out of the three, they don't lift a finger unless she says otherwise, I admired that about her, in my line of work I needed headstrong people like her to get shit done, and she did with great results.

Angel did that, sleeping with her was just filling the void, but that was years ago, no ill feelings should be brought upon Rose because of the past, the past was settled and I made sure she had nothing to hold against me anymore.

So this is mainly settling the score, Rose for Tamara.

I'm not letting that happen, the FBI won't give Tamara back and I am done playing these games with her.

With a tight grip on my weapon, I know what needs to be done, and at any cost I must get them back.

I'm putting Angel and her sisters down, getting Rose and Max back, and settling my business with the CIA. 

This is all going to end tonight, that I fucking personally promise to the devil.

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