The End

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Austin Silver POV

Four years later


I freeze as I open the front door, startled to see all my friends, alongside my wife and daughter all packed in our living room, with decorations and balloons that read out 'Happy Birthday Austin 40'.

My gorgeous wife of three years, holding our daughter steps forward with a devilish smirk on her face, she leans in and I kiss her on the lips. "You really shouldn't have." I stiffly whisper against Rose's lips, with a tight smile.

She chuckles amused and I wrap my arm around her. and kiss her on the forehead "Thank you all for coming." I turn and smile at our guests, family, and friends.

As people come up and wish me a happy birthday, I see my wife sneak off into the crowd, leaving me with my devil of a daughter, Hope, who I love with all my heart, but she is getting more and more like me with each passing day, each day reminding me of how I was when I was younger, constantly getting into trouble.

I decide to pick her up, stopping her from going around popping balloons and startling people. As I walk through the crowd of people, eating and drinking, I spot Max in the back yard where music is playing with a live band, he's standing talking to a girl so I decided to leave him be, I wink at him when he spots me walking past and his ears turn red, embarrassed.

What kind of father figure would I be if I didn't embarrass the boy every so often?

The crowd hushes around me and everyone turns their head to the door leading out to the garden. There walks my beautiful girl, with my best friend leading a cake that is sparkling on a trolly in my direction out to me, as they start to sing, the band in the garden playing the tune as they sing.

"Happy birthday baby, make a wish." Rose says, coming to my side as my friends and family gather around me, happiness on their faces as they stare at me, gazing down at the gigantic cake with '40' on it in icing.

I really want to hate my wife for this, but seeing her this happy makes it impossible to, I didn't want to make a big deal out of turning 40, it just made me feel like an old man, and perhaps I am.

I have everything all I need right next to me, nothing else could possibly make my life any happier, my wish has come true after all, I got what I wanted, I'm the happiest I have ever been.

So, I lean in with my daughter and we both blow out the candles together, Hope's chubby cheeks inhale and exhale alongside me, and everyone claps and congratulates me.

I feel a tug on my shirt and I look down at Hope in my arms as her big blue eyes look up to me.

"What did you wish daddy?" My little girl asks me, innocently.

I kiss her on the cheek. "Ahh, I can't tell you or it won't come true, will it pumpkin?" I teasingly say, making her frown.

And just like that, I see my beautiful wife in our daughter and I can't help but laugh.

Speak of my better half and she will appear, Rose walks towards me with a slice of cake. "Hey handsome old man, are you surprised?" She asks, with a big smile on her lips.

I grunt and put Hope on the floor then take the plate from Rose. "Definitely, how did I not find out about this?" I mutter to myself out loud, causing Rose to giggle.

"I had help." She says proudly, hinting to Reese, my best friend, and the men that stand beside him as he stands at the bar laughing at something one of the guys say.

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