15. Family Justice

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Austin Silver POV

I woke up with my arms around Rose, and everything felt right at this moment, there were no words to the feeling I was feeling right now, she fits perfectly in my arms.

I've been awake for thirty minutes now and as much as I would hate to move, I have to.

Moving from the bed slowly so I don't wake her, I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower, and get ready for the day ahead of me, after all, today is an important day.

After showering, I make my way into the bedroom to get ready and see that she's still fast asleep, a smug grin is on my face at how much I tired her out last night as I start to get ready, putting my suit on and clipping in knife and attaching my gun to my hip.

I look at Rose one last time and I can't help but walk over to her and kiss her on the forehead, she stirs slightly but doesn't wake, I go into the bedside draw and grab a pen and piece of paper to leave a note, so she knows I just didn't leave.

Leaving the note on the bedside table I turn and leave, closing the door gently then I make my way down the hall and down the stairs.

A car is waiting for me and my men are ready.

Today has to go right, it's what I've worked so hard for, it's what I gave up my life for.


The warehouse is empty apart from a single BMW with two men holding semi-automatics standing in front of the vehicle, when my car pulls up I nod to my men to ready themselves for the worst, hoping it doesn't come to that.

My driver stops the car and my men, Stev and Rick get out of the car beside me, holding AK's they stand in the same position as the men in front of our car. When I get out of the car I see the backdoor to the BMW opens and there is the man I have been searching for, for the past ten years.

The man I'm going to kill.

"Well, if it isn't the famous Silver, I have heard so much about you, but you know the gossip, can't really trust it now, can we?" Don Maro De Sicia says amused as he walks towards me, in a brand new Italian suit, new haircut, and clean shave.

"Not in our world, no." I say coming to stand in front of him, eyeing the piece he's carrying in in his blazer.

A colt handgun, seven rounds. It's just as the intel said, he's old school.

Maro laughs and clicks his finger, one of his men lowers their weapons and goes to the backseat of the BMW, when he comes back, he's holding a red briefcase with the Sicia lining.

My eyes go from the suitcase to Maro and he begins to eye me. "It's all there, I am a man of my word." He pauses. "But before that, I want to know something.." 

I lower my hand to the outside of my pocket, where I put a pocket knife, nodding my head I eye him warily. "And what might that something be?" I ask.

"How did I go from FBI number one, to be replaced by someone I have never heard of?" He laughs. "I'm cautious Mr. Silver, until 10 years ago, nobody had heard of you." He says quizzingly.

I peer down at him then nod to my men to take the suitcase, when he holds onto it I smile at Sicia and walk towards him. "Are you jealous the FBI no longer cares about you?" I say slowly, staring down at him. "Or are you trying to piss me off?" 

Maro squints his eyes then grins darkly as he laughs. "Austin, you wound me." 

I turn around and leave, I can no longer be in his presence, not if I don't kill the fucking maniac for the pain he has caused me and thousands of other people, nodding to my men they nod back and walk back towards the car.

Maro clears his throat and I turn to glare at him. "Do give my love to your girl, agent Silver." He says casually with a smile on his face as he holds up a photo of Rose and her brother Max.

My men eye me and the men with Maro raise their weapons, when all weapons are raised I grab my gun and point it at his head, he's still smiling and admiring the photo of Rose.

"What are you talking about?" 

He snorts. "Do not act coy with me boy." He says roughly. "Did you think I would allow you to leave here today? You're not that good at your job son."

I laugh and eye the men coming into the warehouse. "No, I did not, I thought you'd be smarter De Sicia." I hint to behind him and he pales when he sees my men. 

I raise my gun to his head and he turns towards me, his eyes wide as he stares down the end of my gun. "I'm not FBI." I press the gun to his forehead. "Not anymore." I whisper to myself.

His eyes go wide as he hears what I said, then I pull the trigger, and when I pull the trigger its as if everything around me is happening in slow motion. My men turn their guns on the two Maro was with and shoot them before they could raise their guns and shoot them dead.

My ears are ringing and theirs a loud ping in my ears, I'm staring at the hole in De Sicia's head and all I can think of is how much I would give up to do it again and again, just so he could feel my pain, I would give it all to relive this moment.

But it's gone, he's gone.

I've finally avenged my father, who was killed at point-blank by Maro De Sicia fifteen years ago, I just did what he did to me. I made his children, family, and friends' life a living hell, just like he had made mine, by taking my father from me.

I had joined the FBI is hoping to track him down and get justice, but in this world justice is just another excuse for a cozy bedroom in a fancy prison with a short jail time for people like Maro De Sicia, I learned that the hard way, I knew the FBI would never let anything concrete stick.

After all, he was worth more alive than dead, after all the shit he has done, he was protected, yet the FBI left me out of that loop when I went deep undercover, I had known for years that they were using me, playing me into the game so they could find information on routes and potential players.

"Patron?"(Boss) Stev comes up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. 

I blink my eyes away from the dead body beneath me and look around, my men are standing around us, with a glint of pride in their eyes as they look at me and the man dead near me.

The FBI will soon learn of this, I need to move fast. "Débarrassez-vous de lui." (Get rid of him) I grit out and Stev nods his head, as I'm taking my jacket off and rolling up my sleeves as I walk towards my car.

I grab my phone from my pocket as Rick enters the car, I see from the front that my men are cleaning the scene and getting rid of Maro and his men, also his vehicles as instructed, not a single piece of evidence can be left behind.

Opening my phone I see a text from Rose and I can't help but smile. 

Rose: Have a good day, see you soon Mr. Silver x

Oh, I did, more than she will ever know, but she can't know... Maro is dead, the FBI will sooner rather than later learn of his death when he's not seen by his family or associates, then they will come for me.

I'll be waiting.

Turning off my phone I look up to Rick as Stev gets in beside me. "One last stop Rick."

He nods to me in the mirror and starts up the car. "Where to boss?" 

I can't keep the smile off my face, it feels so right to do this, and there's no time like the present, I know what I want and what I want is for all this to be behind me and move on, to a future where I'm happy and have a life.

With Rose and Max.

"Antonio's." Is all I say and he nods his head, a small smile on his lips.

The men in the car know exactly what I'm going to do next, Antonio's is a well-known shop in my world, with exquisite and rare... trinkets, that's the only place I would go to get what I need, to finally have my ending, one I look to with hope.

I'm going to ask Rose to marry me.

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