10. Shopping with the boss

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Rose Clark POV

I wake up with the events of last night clear as day, I feel more alert and awake than I have ever been before and it's all because of Austin appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the night.

I don't know what I should be feeling worse about, almost knocking out Austin, MY BOSS with a baseball bat, or staring at him like a looney.

Jesus Christ, I was expecting some old man with a belly and a foul mouth as my boss, not an attractive man with a panty-dropping smirk and oddly sexy tattoos covering his body.

Austin was dressed in a very expensive looking black suit with a white shirt that was unbuttoned, he looked freshly cut with his perfectly styled hair and clean shave, I could smell the cologne he had on from where I stood opposite him, it was a musky wood rich smell, it was intoxicating to smell, all while he stood there, the most beautiful and deadly man I've laid eyes upon.

If I think really hard, I could have sworn I've seen him somewhere before, maybe he's famous? It would not shock me if I saw him on TV or in the news, he is clearly someone to own such a big estate and to have bodyguards around the house.

As inconspicuous as they were trying to be, I still noticed them around the property, now I understand why.

Whoever Austin is, he is clearly protected and worth a lot.

I get out of bed and tiptoe to my door, it's time to wake Max up for school and I really don't want to wake Austin, he was pretty exhausted despite him looking really really well last night, he did seem rather tired.

I need to apologize to him properly today, also I need to stop having thoughts of him, noticing things about him, I can't get involved with someone like him, as tempting as he is, he is my boss and someone important, we are both from a very different world, I know that very well just from seeing him.

As I close my bedroom door quietly, I look across from me and see Austin's door is still closed, I walk quietly down the hall to Max's bedroom to wake him up.

Ever since we arrived here, Max has been more cheerful, like a regular kid his age, he has made friends and now talks to the people working in or around the estate, something he would never have done before moving here.

Opening his bedroom door I see him stir awake and tiredly rub his eyes. 

"Morning buddy, how did you sleep?" I asked smiling as I walk over to the curtains to open them and let the morning light come through.

He sits up, still rubbing his eyes, his bed hair is sticking up everywhere and it makes me chuckle.

I definitely need to take him to get a haircut after school. 

"I slept good Rose, is it time for school?" He asks tiredly and I nod my head as I open the draws to grab his school uniform.

"That's good buddy, did you have any bad dreams?" I ask as he smiles up at me tiredly, shaking his head.

"I had good dreams, I was superman! And- And you were there too!" He says happily and his eyes light up as I begin to dress him.

I chuckle. "Woah, that's so awesome buddy!" 

He bobs his head. "Mhmm!" 

I button up his jumper and then he jumps off the bed, before he runs out of the room I figure this is the best time to tell him about Austin, my boss is here.

"Max, remember how I told you that this is my boss's house?" I say slowly kneeling down in front of him, fixing his curly hair.

He nods his head and looks at me confused. "Well he's here and I need you to be on your best behavior okay? Remember what I said about manners?" I ask quietly and he grins toothly at me.

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