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Raven's backstory:


Raven was running, as fast as she could.

Down random hallways and through random doors, trying to find an exit.

She noticed a group of people wearing black outfits and masks approaching her from one direction so she turned and ran the other way. Finally, she found an exit, the only problem was that now there was a group of masked bad guys coming after her. She stepped into the snow that was outside the facility and shivered, she hadn't been outside in two years and it felt weird. She had no time to dwell however and she continued running, ignoring how her feet started hurting from the cold.

It was dark outside, Raven could barely see in front of her. She had never really had the best vision.

Raven slipped

She fell

And the next thing she knew, she was falling off a cliff.

She hadn't even seen it there and now she was falling.

The air was sweet and reminded her of the cotton candy she had with her sister.


Was she okay?

Raven would see her soon.

That was the last thing that passed through her mind before she hit the ground.

What Raven didn't know was that the drink she had taken a sip of earlier was not wine, it was vampire blood.

She had drunken vampire blood.

Meaning, She would awake again, just not as a human.

Sure enough, a few hours later Raven opened her eyes only to find a bright light shining down on her. She closed her eyes again quickly because it was causing her head to hurt. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes again and sat up quickly which caused her head to spin.

She looked around.

She was in her cell

The same cell that she had been in for the past two years. Had the whole escape and fall off a cliff thing been a dream?

She squinted her eyes

The lights in her cell had never been this bright

The noise had never been this loud

She had never been this hungry

The cuts and bruises that usually littered her arms and legs from sleeping on the ground were gone.

What was going on?!

After a few moments, a doctor came up to her cell with a clipboard in hand.

"How are you feeling?" He asked casually and Raven shrugged. "You took a nasty fall," He told her and her eyes widened.

So it hadn't been a dream?

Then how the heck was she alive?

"How am I alive?" She asked cautiously

"You're not, you're dead," He said calmly.

Raven was confused, what was that supposed to mean?

"Before you fell you ingested vampire blood, you died with vampire blood in your system meaning you are now a vampire in transition," He said all this very calmly even though Raven was kinda freaking out.

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