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Raven's pov:

Raven knocked on the door of the office angrily. She waited until the door opened before grabbing the front of Mason's shirt and throwing him against the far wall of the hallway. He groaned as he stood up again.

"Oh it's you" He grinned evilly.

"Surprise" said Raven sarcastically as she rushed forward to swipe the legs out from under Mason's feet. Mason fell to the ground and groaned again. Raven felt very tired, as though she were about to fall asleep...

What the hell was going on?!
"I was waiting for you" he said breathlessly as he decided to sit up instead of stand.

Raven pointed the gun at him and clicked the safety off. She just now realized that she wasn't even sure if a bullet would even really kill a vampire. The only vampire she had ever killed was using fire and she didn't really want to repeat that again if she could help it. She had no idea what would actually kill him and what wouldn't.

"I wanted to kill you for killing Hadeon" He breathed out.
"You killed my sister," Raven hissed, steadying the weapon in her hand as best she could, seeing as her vision was slightly blurred.

"Your sister?" Asked Mason before the truth seemed to dawn on him. "Olivia..." He let out a little chuckle which only made Raven hate him more.

"It really is a small world isn't it." He chuckled. "How did it feel killing your brother in law?" He asked curiously, an evil smirk on his lips. Raven shot a bullet into his leg and he yelled out in pain.

"It didn't feel great" she said calmly although every part of her was telling her to kill him. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and was intending to drag him up but he was heavy. Like really heavy...

She was a vampire with super strength...

This shouldn't be a problem...

She examined her arms, trying to find the source of the problem but she was met with another. The cut she had received on her arm during the fight at the last base wasn't healing.

That was... odd

"They injected you didn't they?" said Mason who had been watching from the ground. "The agents," he added.

Raven shot another bullet in between his legs which caused his smirk to fade quickly.

"What was in that syringe?!" she demanded.

"Just a little something we've been working on. I told them to use it on you if you came" he said, putting his hands up since her gun was still being pointed directly at his head.

"What thing?!"

"We were originally planning to use it on Hadeon, but well I guess you solved that problem for us." he said, the grin returning to his face. "Let's just say, I hope you didn't like being a vampire too much."

Raven's body started to hurt which was weird, she felt... sore? Raven never felt sore, her body healed too quickly but now... It was a weird feeling.

"What is it doing to me?!" She asked, grabbing the wall for support because her legs felt weak. Before she could do anything or stop anything, Mason had pushed up, punching right into Raven's stomach. Raven was sent flying to the opposite wall. Punches weren't supposed to feel that strong right?

God this felt awful.

She stood up, the pain wasn't going away like it usually did.

"How do you feel about being human?" He asked, amusement laced in his voice as he walked closer to her.

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now