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Six months later

Raven's pov:

"I told you Amber if you want those high fashion designer shoes you can come to New York and get them yourself."

"But you're already there Ray, can't you just get them for me? Please?"

Raven sighed, it's not like she could really say no.

"Fine..." she mumbled and she heard Amber cheer from the other side of the line.

"Love you, Ray!"

"Yeah yeah, you better" Raven muttered as she hung up the phone and laid back on the bed.

"Amber causing trouble?" Raven turned her head over to where Pietro was sitting on the bed, tuning his guitar.

Five months ago, the Avengers with the help of Raven, defeated Mason's Hydra branch. The Avengers had then gone back to New York since the threat was eliminated. This was good news but it also meant Raven and Pietro wouldn't be able to talk as much. Since Olivia was no longer around and Raven didn't want to stay cooped up at the school all day every day, she would visit Pietro every couple of weeks in New York.

"Just Amber being Amber" Raven sighed as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax at the soft hums of the guitar. Pietro chuckled and laid back on the headboard, continuing to play the instrument.

Pietro and Raven's relationship was going strong. They both cared for each other deeply. Pietro had even asked her to be his girlfriend a few months back which she had obviously accepted. Sure, being long-distance was hard. But they had phone calls, facetime, Raven had a private jet. They managed to figure it out.


(three months ago)

Pietro and Wanda were visiting the Kennedy school. Amber had needed Raven's help picking an outfit for a date she was going on which left Pietro and Austing alone in the kitchen.

"Listen, I know Raven can take care of herself so I'm not gonna bother with the whole big brother speech" Austin started walking right up to Pietro. They were about the same size so neither of them had to look up to see the other. "Instead I'm just going to stare at you for a while and you're going to be intimidated, got it?" Pietro nodded, a bit confused.

Was this an American thing?

Raven had finished helping Amber pick a dress for a date, Amber had flat out refused to tell Raven who the mystery person she was going to the date with was but it wasn't like Raven had really pushed. If Amber didn't want to tell her, then it was none of her business.

Now Raven was walking back to the kitchen, intent on spending more time with Pietro before he went back to New York.

When she walked into the kitchen. She was met with the strange sight of Pietro and Austin standing, their faces about five inches away from each other. Both men had their arms crossed in front of their chest, both with their eyebrows raised at each other.

Raven cleared her throat awkwardly which made both of them look at her and step away from each other.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked, leaning into Pietro's side. He placed a small kiss on her head and then both Austin and Pietro replied with a "no" At the same time.

"Okay then..." Raven giggled in confusion.

Was this a male thing? She didn't know.

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang