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Raven's pov:

Eight-year-old Raven was sitting in her bed reading her favorite bedtime story. The sound of the guitar playing from her sister's room was enough to get Raven to put her book down and walk out of her room. The smell of her mother's cooking reached her the moment the door was open. Raven smiled

She absolutely loved her mother's cooking.

She walked down the hallway to her sister's room, the doors already open. Raven peeked her head inside only to find Olivia sitting on her bed, playing a tune on the guitar. Olivia hadn't noticed Raven's arrival and Raven didn't bother to make herself known. She just listened as the melody switched notes and tempos. The sound of a crash from the kitchen made Raven turn. The hallway she had just walked down was dark now, although when she had walked there no less than two minutes prior it had been bright at daylight, now it was dark. Raven took a few hesitant steps forward, when nothing happened she decided to keep walking. Raven had never really been afraid of the dark. When she was four, Olivia had made fun of her for not wanting to be alone in the dark, and ever since then, Raven had never let the dark bother her.

She walked down the hallway toward the kitchen, but she could no longer hear the sound of her parents talking, or the smell of her mother's cooking. It was as if all her senses except touch had suddenly disappeared.

She couldn't see in front of her but she knew her house well enough to know where the kitchen was.

However, when she turned into the kitchen, she found herself in the bathroom.

This wasn't right.

She was staring at herself in the mirror.

It was no longer an eight-year-old Raven.

Looking back at her from the mirror was sixteen-year-old Raven, blood smeared across her face and neck.

Raven stared into the mirror.

The person in the mirror stared right back.

She brought her hand up to her face and felt her cheeks.

The person in the mirror did the same.

Raven wiped her lips in an attempt to wipe the blood away.

The person in the mirror wiped their lips as well, but the blood just smeared more, spreading onto their fingertips.

Raven looked at her hand... there was no blood.

The small lights in the bathroom began flickering.

Raven could see herself in the mirror while the light was on, when it flickered off, she couldn't see anything anymore.

Finally, the lights stopped flickering.

Raven turned to walk back to her sister's room but something stopped her.



Raven turned back to the mirror only to see her bloody self in the mirror, knocking on the glass separating them with a smirk on her face.




This was a dream

Raven knew this was a dream

She just had to find her way out of this dream.

She turned around and ran down the hallway, not entirely sure which direction she was going in since she couldn't see anything. She wasn't even sure she was still in her house anymore.

She heard her own voice from behind her.

"You can't run from me Raven"

Raven ran until she felt something touch her outstretched hand.

She sighed in relief as her fingers wrapped around the doorknob. She pulled it open and took a step outside the house.

She was falling

Just like when she had fallen to her death

The air was sweet

It reminded her of cotton candy...

Raven sat up very suddenly.

She had been laying in bed.

The blanket slid down her chest and her hand rubbed her eyes, trying to remove the temptation of going back to sleep. Her TV was still on from the night before, although it was stuck to a random documentary about the ocean. Raven reached out for the remote and turned off the television.

She stood up from her bed and brushed her hair out with her hands.

She would probably go switch out Wanda from her vampire shift.

Since Raven, Pietro, and Wanda were the only ones who couldn't be compelled by Hadeon, they were the only ones allowed to be in the interrogation room with him. Since they were still not exactly sure how strong Hadeon really was, somebody was supposed to be watching him at all times.

She opened her door and tiptoed down the hall, careful not to wake anyone else up since it was still very early in the morning. She made it all the way to the interrogation rooms and stopped outside the window. Wanda was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room with a drawing notebook and a pencil. Hadeon was still chained to a chair with his hands in handcuffs and his head down. Raven would have thought he was sleeping but he must have sensed Raven standing there since he lifted his head up and grinned. 

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