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Pietro's pov:

"You know, you remind me of somebody"

Hadeon may have just been observing her, but to those outside the window, it definitely looked like he was checking her out.

Pietro moved away from the winder where he had been watching the scene unfold and down the hall toward his room, Wanda followed him.

"Pietro!" She called since he was walking much faster than she was.
"I don't like it Wanda" He turned to look at her and she finally caught up to him.

"It's the only way Piet-"

"No, there must be a different way. I don't like him, he gives me a bad feeling"

When Wanda heard that she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

"Are you sure it's because of that?" She asked, skeptical.

"What do you mean?!" 

"Look me in the eyes and tell me it's not about what you just saw." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The part when they made a deal? Of course, I saw it, and I don't like it-"

"I meant the last part" Wanda interrupted him. "The part where he was looking at Raven"
Pietro averted his eyes and huffed. 

"Why should I care about that?" he asked, although it sounded more like a demand.

Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Because you like her," She said as if it were obvious.

Pietro scoffed, "I do not" he defended, turning around and sprinting away.

Wanda was left to shake her head as the flash of blue that just left her.

"You know, you remind me of somebody"
Raven didn't really care, a lot of people looked alike, big deal.

"So talk, who are you helping?" Raven asked.

"Well I could answer, or I could-"

Hade super-sped to the door but something stopped him from leaving. He banged on the door, but with each bang, soft red light was emitted.

"Sorry, we need answers first," Wanda said as she came into view.

Hadeon turned to glare at Raven, she just shrugged.

"Raven you're free to go, he won't be leaving until I say he can leave," Wanda said with a smile.

Raven walked to the door but before she left,

"I'll let you think about it, we can talk tomorrow" And with that, she left the room.

Raven walked down the hallways. Honestly, she wasn't really sure where she was trying to go. She didn't feel like going to her room so instead, she opted to just walk around until she found something interesting to do.

"Raven!" She spun around only to find Sasha and Tess running toward her with barbies in hand

"Want to play barbies with us?" They both asked at the same time with hopeful looks on their faces.

Raven would never admit it to anyone but dolls kinda freaked her out.

Every part of Raven wanted to refuse, to tell them to go find Amber. But she also knew that if she said no, she would most likely get drunk again just to try and forget about the deal she had just agreed to.

"Sure, I'd love to," She responded with the best smile she could offer them. Both girls cheered with glee and pulled her down the hallway toward Sasha's room.

Raven sighed, how bad could this be?

Answer: pretty damn bad.


This chapter was a little short...

sorry :I

The next one will be longer.

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