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Raven's pov:

"I don't know if there's anything here"

Raven had decided to come back to the last Hydra base and try to find any clues that may lead to where the other kids were. The entire facility was destroyed, all that was left was a few walls that were on the first floor that had managed to stay up. She had found a few broken desks containing files but none of them had anything to do with her family. She had found one file with the name of all the mutants that Hydra was trying to make. She knew that her name would be in there but she didn't want to check, she knew she would get distracted if she did.

Instead, she had found a small syringe near where she guessed was the lab since there were a bunch of broken machine parts. The syringe was full of some weird liquid, Raven wasn't really sure what it was.

Pietro watched her. She was bending down to look at something on the ground that Pietro couldn't see. She had her expressionless face on, she usually wore it when she was concentrating. He wanted to let her focus on whatever she was doing but he just couldn't stop himself.

"This is getting boring," He said, picking up another torn-up file and skimming through it. Raven looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Feel free to leave," She said before turning her attention back onto whatever she had been looking at before.

Pietro sighed, he knew why she was acting like this towards him. Technically, it was his fault. He should've just told her when he had wanted to. He had already tried apologizing on the way here, she told him she understood why he didn't tell her and that he was forgiven. But it seemed that Raven still wasn't past it.

"How long are you going to be mad at me?" he asked, pushing aside some rubble to find what was underneath.

"I already told you, I'm not mad, I'm upset. There's a difference"

Pietro sighed, "How long are you going to be upset at me?"

Raven rolled her eyes. "I'm not upset with you, I'm upset with the world. And you just happen to be in it" she muttered, picking up the syringe to get a better look at it.

"Why are you upset at the world?"

Oh. My. God.

Raven felt like punching her own face.

Damn, this dude really never knew when to shut up.

"I'm upset at the world because people in the world just attacked me a few hours ago," She said as calmly as she could.

Pietro nodded, understanding what she meant.

"But you can't be upset at the whole world just for what some people did," he said.

Raven bit the inside of her cheeks, why does she even try?

"Watch me," She said before completely cutting off the conversation by moving further away.

Pietro watched her walk away. He wasn't really sure what she meant by being upset with the world. Did that mean she didn't like the planet? The people? He wasn't sure. He'd ask Wanda once they got back.

That struck a thought in his mind. Why doesn't he just call the other Avengers, surely Stark would be able to find something. Before he could call Raven over to tell her about his new plan, he heard voices in the distance. Looking over he was a group of people a little away, walking towards the destruction sight. Pietro noticed their black jackets were the same as the people who were at the school. He sped towards Raven, took ahold of her hand, and sped her behind one of the walls that were still up.

She looked as though she were going to ask why the hell he did that but he put a hand over her mouth to stop her talking. He didn't want to get into a fight they could otherwise avoid.

"Search the area" Called one of the men "Don't stop until you find it"

Find it?

Neither Pietro nor Raven knew what they were trying to find in this mess. Both of them were staying as quiet as possible, not walking to alert the men that they were here.

Raven could hear the footsteps of one of the men slowly approaching where they were hiding.

He was getting closer and closer.

Raven looked at Pietro and then glanced at her arm, silently asking him to let her go. Pietro seemed to understand what she was asking and he removed his hand from both her mouth and her arm where he was holding her in place.

Raven listened to the footsteps. He was getting closer and closer. He was about to turn and look behind the wall when-

"I found it"

The man who was approaching them turned and walked away. Raven let out a sigh of relief. It sounded like there were more men this time and Raven didn't really feel like repeating the previous fight.

The two waited a few minutes until the men seemed to be gone before leaving their hiding spot. Raven immediately began to look through the rubble, trying to find what the men took. She made it all the way to where the lab had been before she noticed it. The syringe that she had been looking at earlier was gone. Is that what the men were after?

"We should call the Avengers" Said Pietro, who had followed her to where the labs were.

Raven nodded, maybe Stark would be able to find something she missed.

Back on the jet, Pietro and Raven were talking to Stark through the screen.

"I've looked through all the databases" Stark was telling them. "There might be something in their Russian facility but other than that you guys are on your own."

Raven wasn't too disappointed, she hadn't really been expecting to find something through databases.

"We've got another mission"

Pietro looked as though he were going to say something but Stark beat him to it. "You stay with Raven and focus on this one, we can handle the rest"

Pietro nodded and then went to say something else but apparently Stark knew him too well.

"Yes your sister is alright, she says to be careful."

Pietro nodded and backed away, seemingly satisfied with the answers he was given.

"Thanks, Stark, you should get to the mission, we'll take it from here" Said Raven, she was about to hang up the call but Stark's next words caught her off guard.

"And Raven? For now, you are an Avenger"

The call ended, Raven looked over to see Pietro grinning at her. Raven rolled her eyes, but a small smile was playing on her lips. The two had always joked about how Raven would become an Avenger. Raven never thought it would actually happen but here they were. 

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora