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Raven's backstory:


Raven was looking at herself in the mirror.

There was blood dripping from her lips, Nadia and her husband's bodies lay motionless on the floor. They were pale and their eyes were wide. There were two teeth marks on either of their wrists.

Raven hadn't meant to, she really hadn't.

But she couldn't stop, she couldn't.

Her eyes were still looking weird, they were still red and there were still those veins under their eyes. Not only that but there were also small fangs in her teeth.

If her nightmares were a person, it would be her.

This was the face that would keep her up at night after she and Olivia had watched a scary movie

The face she would ask her mother to check under the bed for

The face her father would have to convince her didn't exist.

Well, now it did...

Raven tried to clean up a little bit. She put a blanket over the bodies and closed their eyes.

Six people in one day... she was officially a monster.

She was no better than the bad guys

Something caught her attention, a little stuffed animal sitting on a cabinet near the door.

It was a teddy bear...

The teddy bear Olivia had given her.

Why was it here?

Raven left the house with her head low and a teddy bear in her hand, she wasn't proud of what she'd done. But it hadn't been her fault... right? Either way, what was done was done, her parents had always told her not to dwell on the past or she would miss the present. And at the moment, her present included finding her sister.

She walked down the streets, getting weird looks from a few people she passed in the night. Although she was wearing the new clothes that Nadia had given her, Her mouth was covered in blood. But it had seemed that her weird-looking veins and fangs had gone away, which she was thankful for.

The thing Raven really hated,

She had literally sucked the life out of the couple, she had liked the feeling, and she was still hungry...

Raven had been walking for what felt like hours but it was really only twenty minutes. She walked around the entire town, not really sure what she was even looking for. Some kind of sign? Somebody, she knew? She wasn't sure.

Finally, she spotted two people sitting at a bench, in the park ahead. She recognized the dirty blonde hair of her sister. God, she could recognize that hair anywhere.

She rushed forward, with that weird speed thing she could do.

She was finally standing right in front of Olivia. She looked a little bit older, she was now seventeen after all. Her hair was shorter as if she had cut it.

She stared at Raven, almost in fear.

"Olivia..." Raven started. She wasn't sure exactly what to say at the moment. Next to Olivia was a girl that Raven had never seen before in her life, Maybe a new friend?

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