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Raven's pov:

Six-year-old Raven was trying her hardest not to fall over.

She was attempting to bike down the street on her very first bike ever. Olivia was running beside her, making sure she wouldn't fall. Raven had never biked without training wheels and this was one of the hardest things she's ever done.

"Come on Ray, you can go faster than that" Olivia cheered.

Raven began to peddle faster and faster. She was reaching the end of the street. She was almost there and then-

She accidentally swerved to the side too much and the bike fell over.

Raven fell onto her back but instead of crying, she just started giggling.

Olivia caught up to her and ran over to make sure she was alright, she seemed less worried for her sister's wellbeing when she saw that the six-year-old was having a giggling fit.

"You're getting better," Olivia praised. She had wanted to teach Raven how to ride the bike instead of her parents.

"I'm the best" Raven grinned from ear to ear.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" Olivia rolled her eyes as she helped Raven to her feet.

"Oh-" Raven looked at the ground near where she had fallen and saw a small bird that wasn't moving.

"Do you think it's dead?" She asked her sister.

Olivia took a few steps toward it and nodded, "I think so, poor thing."

Now Raven was sad. She hated seeing animals that were hurt, it was even worse when it was a bird since her name was Raven.

"Aw don't cry Ravie" Olivia patted her little sister on the back. Raven had tears in her eyes, she hated that the bird had died here alone with no family.

"Here, let's give it a funeral okay?" offered Olivia.

Raven was immediately cheered up by this.

"Okay!" She cheered.

Olivia had sent Raven to go collect some things from around the area for the funeral. Raven had come back with a shovel and a large rock per Liv's request.

"Okay and put the rock there" Olivia pointed to the edge of a neat hole she had just dug.

Olivia carefully scooped up the bird and placed it in the hole. Raven watched as she shoveled the dirt back inside.

"Here lies little birdy, a beautiful soul-"

"-taken from us too soon"

Six-year-old Raven may have been at some small funeral for a bird found on the side of the road. But seventeen-year-old Raven was standing at the back of a full service. She knows she told herself she wouldn't come back here but she couldn't miss the funeral, it just felt wrong.

She hadn't wanted to capture too much attention since most people in this town either didn't know her or believed she was dead.

The ceremony was beautiful. There was a priest at the front, leading the others in prayer. It seemed the whole town had decided to show up. Towards the end, people came up and placed flowers on the casket. Once almost everyone had left, raven walked cautiously up to the closed casket. It was a tradition in their town that the casket remained out until sunset so that the spirits could come and help take the soul up into the sky.

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat