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Raven's pov:

Raven and Pietro were on the way to Russia. They were trying to come up with a plan on what to do but Pietro kept making jokes and Raven kept trying not to get distracted.

"Why did the vampire refuse to eat his eggs?" Raven just looked at him so he didn't wait for her response. "Because they were sunny side up!"

The two looked at each other for a few moments before both of them burst out laughing.

Raven wasn't even sure why she was laughing, the joke wasn't even that funny. But there was something about being with Pietro that just caused everything to be funny. Even though her family was God knows where and there was a group of murder men trying to attack them everywhere they go, he still somehow manages to get her to smile. Funny how that is.

Once the two had stopped laughing, Raven put herself back into mission mode.

"I think, if you can go in there and grab one of the agents without anyone seeing you, then you can bring them out and I'll compel them to give us the information we need. We'll be in and out, easy as pie." Said, Raven.

Pietro furrowed his brow, "Pie is not easy, pie is very hard to make, Wanda tried teaching me" He said.

It took Raven a moment to realize what he meant, and then a small smile spread across her face, she couldn't help it, "right" she agreed.

Pietro seemed confused but he dropped the subject, they had more pressing matters to deal with.

"We'll be there in twenty minutes, so get ready," Said Raven.

"Told you that wasn't so hard," Pietro said proudly, pointing to the man whose hands and legs were tied to a chair on the jet.

Raven rolled her eyes. She and Pietro were having a debate about who could tie the man faster, Pietro had obviously won so now Raven was watching displeased as he bathed in his glory.

"Alright enough of that" Raven said once she'd had enough of his bragging.

Pietro grinned at her as she walked to the front of the jet, the two were waiting for the man to wake up since Pietro had accidentally knocked him out.

He followed her to the front of the jet and placed a hand on her back as the two looked out into the sky. They had decided not to stay at the base once they had got someone since the base probably had a protection army and neither of them felt like fighting.

"We'll find them, Raven," he said.

"I know we will" they had to.

A small groan from the back of the jet alerted them that the man was awake. Raven immediately rushed toward him and bent down to his level. She looked him dead in the eyes,

"Stay calm, answer our question honestly."

The man nodded and Raven relaxed, the last thing they needed was for the man to start freaking out. Especially since Pietro had told her about Hydra's policy that if any of the agents were captured, they couldn't say anything that would give the enemy information about Hydra, they had to find a way out, even death.

But thanks to Raven, the man was sitting on the floor, cool as a cucumber.

"Where is Adrien Kennedy?" asked Raven, she figured that wherever he was, the rest of them would be too.

The man looked like he was trying his very hardest to resist. Raven sighed and bent down again.

"Don't fight it, be honest now, where is Adrien Kennedy?"

"He's with the boss"

Raven looked to Pietro who shrugged.

"Where's the boss?"

"Probably somewhere in Germany, that's where he usually is"

Raven stood up and walked to Pietro.

"If the boss has them then that's who we have to find" Pietro nodded in agreement.

"What kind of fight are we getting ourselves into?" Pietro asked.

Raven raised an eyebrow at him, "You didn't have to come if you didn't want to."

Pietro shook his head "I wanted to, I just want to know what to expect."

"You can expect a fight, he's waiting for you to come get them" The pair turned back to the man sitting on the floor.

Raven sighed and turned back to Pietro, "You don't have to come, I can do it from here" She told him honestly. She knew that Pietro hadn't actually come because he wanted to. Sure, he was friends with the other children and obviously wanted to help them too, but Raven knew that he had come to protect her. Raven wouldn't admit it, but she was thankful for that.

"Raven" Pietro cupped her cheek softly "I'm coming with you."

Raven scanned over his face, trying to find any doubt she could use against him but she couldn't find it. She sighed again and pecked his lips before turning back to the man on the floor who had just been watching them dazedly.

"Who's the boss?" Raven asked.

The man began to struggle with the ropes that were tying his arms and legs. Raven guessed that she had hit a nerve which was odd, Hydra was never the one to hide the names of their leaders.
"Who's the boss?" she asked again, more sternly this time.

"Mr. Kennedy," Said the man.

"What about him?" Asked Raven, why would he be talking about Adrien.

"His brother," the man on the floor whispered.

Raven froze... what?!

"Mason's dead"

Then Raven understood. Mason was with Hadeon before Raven had killed both of them. Obviously, they knew that the Avengers were coming. Mason, of course, would want to make sure nothing would happen to him. If he had asked Hadeon for his blood...

If Mason had died with vampire blood in his system...

"Raven, what is it?" Asked Pietro, who had noticed the realization dawn on her face.

"Mason's a vampire." 

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz