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Avengers pov:

The Avengers plus Raven landed back at the school.

Raven told them that there were interrogation rooms they could use, so that's where they put the man in the onesie.

Raven had gone to eat lunch while the Avengers plus Adrien stood outside the interrogation room. Adrien had been curious about the man and decided to come to see for himself.

Nat walked into the room and sat in the chair across from the man.

"What's your name?" She asked him.

He looked her over for a moment like REALLY looked her over (if you know what I mean) And then shrugged. 

"Richard, I think" He mumbled, clearly still very drunk.

"What do you know about Hydra Richard?"

"Hy-d-r-a? I've never heard of that in my life" He mumbled on the words and then put his head down and fell asleep. Nat sighed and walked out of the room.

"He's telling the truth, I think"

While the rest of the team discussed what to do, Pietro was scanning the man in front of him. Something wasn't adding up, something wasn't right.

His eyes lingered on the man's neck. There were two suspicious-looking...dots??? He wasn't sure what it was.

"Guys, what's that?" He pointed to the man's neck.

"Are those... teeth marks?" Asked Sam, completely disgusted, probably thinking it was something other than what it actually was.

Pietro looked directly at Adrien, he knew Adrien knew about Raven being a Vampire. Adrien examined the man in front of them before turning to the others.

"I'll get Raven."

Ten minutes later, Raven was walking into the room outside the interrogation room. The Avengers, minus Pietro were all very confused about why Raven was there but they didn't say anything about it.

"So you say there were teeth marks?" Raven asked Mr. Kennedy and he nodded.

"Raven... they said you were there, in Bulgaria..." He hesitated, not really wanting to continue.

"Yeah I saw them, what about it?"
"Well if you got there before them, and you-"
"What? you think I made those?" She pointed to the teeth marks, slightly offended that he even thought that although she understood why he had.

Adrien sighed, he trusted Raven.

"No, no of course not"

"Why the hell would Raven bite that man?!" Asked Sam, looking between the two with a very confused expression. Raven ignored him and stepped into the interrogation room. She walked up to the man who was still asleep. She moved the hem of his onesie a little so that the bite marks were clearly visible.

Yep... definitely a vampire.

But if it wasn't her-

Then who the hell was it?!

The Avengers watched through the glass as Raven observed the bite marks.

"What do you think could have caused those bites?" Asked Steve
"Not sure, but whatever it is, I hope I never run into it," Said, Tony

"Why do you think Raven did that?" asked Bucky

"I don't," Said, Adrien

"Why did you think that Raven did that?" He clarified and Adrien sighed.

He had a feeling Raven didn't want her secret to be told, but the Avengers were already living here, for the time being, they were bound to find out either way.

"Raven's a- well she's...." He was trying to say it in a way that made it sound less weird than it already is, but he couldn't find a way to, so he just gave up. "Raven is a vampire."

Complete silence

Nobody said anything

For a moment, Adrien thought they glitched out or something.

Then Tony started laughing.

"A vampire? That's funny"

Adrien wasn't laughing so Tony soon stopped as well.

"I- it was a joke... right?"

Raven walked back into the room with the rest of the Avengers. She had heard their entire conversation due to her hearing and she wasn't sure whether she was relieved that they knew, or scared of what they would do. Of course, everyone was staring at her.

Instead of answering Tony's question, she focused on the sound of his heart beating. Immediately, she felt the veins under her eyes appear. Tony took a quick couple of steps back, obviously taken aback. Nobody else moved, although they were all looking at her face, some with curiosity, some out of fear, Pietro was just staring at her.

"Yeah, I'm a vampire. Big deal I know" She said sarcastically before turning to Mr. Kennedy.

"It's definitely a vampire bite, wasn't me though so I'm not sure who else could have done it"

"When he wakes up, you can ask him"

"Why me? I have nothing to do with this" She said, pointing around to the Avengers.

It was true though, just because their "convicted criminal" had some vamp bites didn't mean she had to start helping them.

"Aren't you a little curious? You've never met another vampire before" He said in a pointed tone and Raven averted her gaze.

That was also true, she hadn't thought about that.

"Alright" She sighed in defeat "Just call me when he wakes up" 


I got sunburned... 

it hurts :( 

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