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Raven's pov:

"What do you mean Mason's a vampire? Mason's dead" it was safe to say that Pietro was extremely confused.
"Call Stark," Said Raven, ignoring his question.

Now it made sense that Adrien had decided to keep Raven out of this for her own protection. First Raven killed his best warrior, then she killed him. Not to mention that Raven's life was finally getting back to normal, she was happy with Pietro. Adrien obviously didn't want to bring her back into this mess.

"Did you guys find them yet?" Came Stark's face from the facetime call.

"Can you find all the bases in Germany?" Raven asked, ignoring his question as well.

"Why? Find something?"

"Mason's alive, well not really- kinda- it's a long story but I need you to find the bases in Germany. Please" She said very fast, all in one breath.
"Isn't Mason the guy you killed-"

"Stark" Pietro warned, knowing it was a touchy subject for Raven.

"Yes, now find the bases please," Raven said.
Stark looked as though he wanted to ask more questions but he seemed to realize how serious this situation was so he nodded.

"I'll call you back when I have something."

"Raven talk to me, what's going on?" Raven was thinking very fast. Pietro put a hand under her chin, gently forcing her to look at him.

"Mason died with Hadeon's blood in his system" Raven explained, taking a few breaths to focus her thinking.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that Mason's a vampire."

Pietro was still a little confused about this but he didn't want to keep asking her about it. If dying with vampire blood in your system was what made you a vampire... then what had happened to Raven. They hadn't talked about their pasts to each other, both preferred to just forget. But now he wanted to know more.

"Raven-" Pietro was about to ask but just then the phone started ringing.

"Stark, what did you find out?" Asked Raven as soon as the line connected.

"Well you were right, there's definitely some bases in Germany. I sent the two main ones I could find to your phone. If you can connect it to the jet it should take you directly to whichever one you want to check out first."

"Great, thanks" Raven plugged her phone into the slot at the front of the jet and started setting the coordinates.

"Take care of each other and don't die, Cap will kill me if you do"

Pietro rolled his eyes, "we'll be back soon, all of us." With that, he hung up the phone. Then the jet was turning to the right, going in whatever direction Stark had sent them.

"Which base are we going to first?" Asked Pietro, walking up behind Raven.

"I think we should split up," Said Raven.

Pietro was confused for a moment but then he realized she was talking about the bases and he sighed in relief. Then he realized what she had said and looked at her in shock.

"Why on earth would we do that?!" he asked. Maybe one of the Hydra men had hit her too hard or something because that sounded like a horrible idea.

"We don't know what Mason's doing to them. If we stay together and go to the wrong base... I just want to make sure nothing happens to them," she explained.

Pietro understood. Of course, he did. They were her family, if it was Wanda, Pietro would say the same thing. He nodded at her to let her know that he understood although he didn't agree.
"I'll go to the North one, it's the bigger one so there's a better chance they'll be there," Said Raven, typing in the location.

"Then I should go to that one. Raven I don't want you to get hurt" Said Pietro. Raven turned around and raised her eyebrows at him.

"Pietro, it's a vampire problem. I'm a vampire, I'll handle it" She kissed his cheek and then turned back to the jet.

"Take these, that way we can communicate" Raven handed him a small comm which he placed in his ear. He still wasn't completely sure that this was a good idea but Raven had her mind set to it and he did really want to help the other children as well.

They were outside the smaller of the two bases that Stark had sent them. Pietro was wearing the Hydra outfit that the man he had taken had been wearing. His job was to look around but not attack. If he found them then he should tell Raven and she would come to help him. Raven was going to fly the jet North until she reached the other base. Their priority was to make sure the mutants were okay. After that, they could deal with Mason which was something Raven was not looking forward to.

Pietro leaned down and kissed her head.

"Stay safe okay?" He said, seriously.

Raven scoffed in mock offense, "I always am"

Pietro rolled his eyes and walked out of the jet towards the base. They had discarded the other man in the forest in only his underclothes after Raven had compelled him to forget everything.

Raven watched him walk into the building. He blended in perfectly with the other agents, none of them seemed to even realize that there was an Avengers in their midst. Once Pietro was out of sight inside the base Raven closed the jet doors.

Time for her part of the plan. 

A/N: I'm gonna post another one tonight since this one was pretty short.

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