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Pietro's pov:

Pietro had an idea.

He had noticed Raven staring at the cotton candy cart. He wasn't sure if it was because she wanted some or because she was just deep in thought, but it didn't matter to him.

Wanda and Sasha were who knows where and Pietro and Raven were walking through the carnival. He knew that if he moved, she would move since she was here to protect him after all. Before Raven could decide to walk slowly behind him again, he offered her the bag of cotton candy he was now carrying.

"Want some?"

She was looking at it cautiously, almost... sadly? Before Pietro could try and decipher her expression, it was gone. She nodded slightly and picked out a small piece of cotton candy. He watched as she placed it in her mouth.

Raven smiled slightly, it tasted the exact same as the last time she had tried it. She thought that eating the cotton candy would make her sad, but this was the opposite. It was good, like really good. This made her smile, even more, she was glad she had found something that didn't remind her of her past.

Pietro was proud of himself.

She was smiling. Like actually smiling, as she placed another piece of cotton candy on her tongue. She let out an airy giggle as it dissolved.

"You like cotton candy?" He asked, with a grin on his face. Her eyes widened and she nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

Pietro checked the time on his phone, his favorite part of the carnival was almost here.

He grabbed Raven's hand and pulled her through the crowd to where the carnival was. He gave the ride administrator two tickets and before Raven could object, he pulled her into the seat next to him.

"What the hell?!" Raven said exasperatedly but the ride had already started. Pietro grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Just wait, it will be fun I promise"

"It will be fun I promise."

Raven hated that word, "promise," Nothing good ever came out of it. But since they were already pretty high off the ground, her chances of getting off the ride were pretty small. Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed in annoyance.

Pietro smiled as he looked over and saw Raven pouting, almost like a child with her hands crossed over her chest and a frown on her lips. The stuffed bird he had gotten her was in one hand while the other was in her pocket. She was no longer wearing her earbuds but her hood was still up. Pietro leaned over and pulled it down, she glared at him but he just grinned wider.

He Pulled Down My Hood!

Ugh, Raven was annoyed. Why she had even agreed to come here was beyond her. Sure, Mr. Kennedy sorta forced her but still, she should have just said no.

Part of her had wanted to come though, as much as she hated that, it was true. Part of her had wanted to know what happens at a carnival when a group of bad guys doesn't kidnap you. A series of loud noises caused Raven's head to snap to the left. For a second she really thought that the people in masks were back.

How did they get here?

She was fine, she was all the way at the top of the Ferris wheel. She looked up and saw the bright lights of the fireworks.


It wasn't the people in masks, phew.

The fireworks started.

Pietro noticed Raven snap her head in that direction with wide eyes but after a moment her face relaxed. He wasn't sure whether it was because she was scared or excited but he didn't mention it. Raven was watching the fireworks very cautiously and Pietro suddenly had a realization.

"Is it your first time seeing fireworks?"

Raven nodded, yes, it was her first time seeing fireworks. She had seen them on the TV and she'd seen pictures but she had never seen them in person. They were rather beautiful. Her favorite was a big blue one that exploded into smaller blue ones. She then realized that they weren't moving, She and Pietro were stuck at the very top of the ride.

"Why aren't we moving?" She asked, leaning over the side a bit too far, Pietro pulled her back.

"I may have convinced the ride administrator to let us stay here for a few minutes. Now Raven was suspicious,

"How'd you do that?" She asked, hesitantly, already guessing the answer.

"I told him I was an Avenger"

"Wow, You are stupid" Raven sighed out, literally the only reason she had come was to-


Pietro shrugged "Maybe" He agreed but then he looked back up to the sky, the fireworks were still going but they were slowing down, coming to an end "But this is the best place to watch"

Raven didn't bother trying to disagree, he was right about that. 

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now