(1) Life Goes On

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Into the bowl go the fruits of the garden as the little boy tiptoes through the plants. The splash of red strawberries were so vibrant upon the green ceramic and his hands spread over the clay ripples as perfect starfish upon summer rocks.

Around his shoulders was his baby quilt, worn as a cape might be, as if all those cosy memories of him and his mumma gave him superpowers. He had eyes that shined like pebbles washed by the ocean waves and a smile that ignited inner laughter in all who saw.

As he was about to pluck one strawberry a hand stopped him to do so. He looked up to find his Dada looking down at him with squinting eyes. The little one smiled sheepishly and ran away inside the house. His Dada shook his head before following him inside.

"I told you not to pluck strawberries just yet Soo" His deep raspy voice rang through the house as he walked to where the little boy was hiding.

"But they looked really sweet Dada" The little one said in defense.

"You can't have them just yet" Taehyung replied.

"Whyyyyyy~~" The little boy whined.

"No means no Soo" Taehyung just chuckled and shook his head before walking away to get some work done.

Taehyung is a single dad. The single parent is 'The Fab Five' all rolled into one, the nurturing help to establish a positive personal image, the wardrobe specialist, the one who encourages and helps personal grooming, the chef and the handy-person who creates a welcoming home. Taehyung was a hero for his little baby.

"Dada" Soo's voice rang as the little pitter-patter of his little feet were heard by Taehyung.

He looked at the boy with a humm waiting for Soo to continue what he was saying.

"What are we doing tomorrow Dada?" Soo asked curiously.

"The usual sweetheart" Taehyung replied and got back to his work.

"Did you called uncles to remind them of my birthday Dada?" The little boy looked up at him with a small pout.

"I did call them Soo" Taehyung answered and heard a small okie.

Taehyung smiled slightly at the cute response and gave his full concentration to his work for now. He knew he wouldn't be able to take a leave tomorrow if the work doesn't gets finished by today, it's his little one's birthday tomorrow after all. He needs to get all the work done before it.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 

In some other place, at the same time.

There sat a boy smiling softly by the window, feeling the cold yet calm breeze brushing past his face. He sighed as he looked at the view. He was on a vacation, before he got back to his not so happening life. Yet, life goes on.

The view was just as if the earth had a pulse it rose through the mountains, creating their bold silhouette. To his eye, their peaks are the green line of a doctor's graph. He saw those rocks at dawn, those slopes that give home to so much life, a foundation for trees and shrubs, grass and ferns. With blue above and below, in the sky and lake, ever lightening as the sun rose, he knew it would be a good day, he just knew.


Because one, he was away from home.

And two, he felt relieved.

Life for him was not have been easy, at first single life was panic attacks and crushing loneliness. To him, it felt shameful. It felt like failure and rejection. It felt as if society had labelled him defective. Yet when, after days that became months and years, he had found his calm and peaceful centre, there was a new perspective. The universe was giving him time to heal, healing that was all the faster for the lack of old negative influences and some painful memories of first love.

It gave him time to learn how to rise from such a challenge and trust himself. It gave him time to grow in confidence and grow in psychological maturity. It gave him time to become kinder to others who find themselves in peril and difficulty. And so, though the flames were hot and the ashes so very cold, he did arise with more wisdom, more courage and greater resolve. He appreciates himself more now. He appreciate others more. Panic attacks are no more. Lonely feelings transformed into a confident contentment with solitude.

Failure became chances to learn new ways of living and behaving. Shame was a label I tool off and burnt because it was never his. Defective became comprehendible as scars from trauma, scars inflicted and survived. He learned to see them as part of his proper functionality, of a reasonable response to hardship.

And so, after time, the single life became lovely. A partner could become a welcome luxury, an addition to an already good life. He can love with more freedom, with loving arms that are capable letting go, of standing back and seeing the other person for who they are too. Gone is the fire and ice, the push and pull of trauma. Now there is passion, yet without the panic of yesteryear.

Although, he still loved him and he forever will.

Nothing can change that, he tried it all but in the end the accepted those undying feelings of love.

After all someone doesn't need the person with him to continue loving him. One sided love is beautiful in it's own way.

Oh! Who is gonna tell them how oblivious they were? 
See you all in the next chapter.
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜

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