(23) Surprise

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"Get ready, we are going somewhere" Jimin said as soon as he entered Taehyung's room. 

Welp- wrong timing! 

"Fucking get down you horny creatures" Jimin retorted, probably disgusted from the scene in front of him. 

The scene? 

Oh, right! It was just Taehyung hovering above Jungkook, they were just making out when Jimin barged in. 

"Can't you knock?" Taehyung groaned, getting down and sitting properly beside Jungkook. 

"You could have locked the door, bitch" Jimin snapped back and Jungkook giggled at their bickering, sitting up as well. 

"What's wrong? Why are you here?" Taehyung asked, wanting Jimin to go so he can continue kissing his fiancée. 

"We need to go somewhere" Jimin replied. 

"Why and where?" Taehyung asked, annoyed. 

"Just how many questions do you have, if I say we are going that means we are going. Stop with your stupid questions and get up both of you" 

"Me too?" Jungkook asked, pointing a finger at himself.

"Yes Kookie, you too" 

"Mhkay" Jungkook shrugged and got up. 

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a betrayed expression. 


Don't judge him, he just wanted to kiss his fiancée peacefully. 

But Jimin had other plans. 

He sighed and got up, walking behind Jimin but not before rolling his eyes at his best friend for ruining his lovely moment. 

Jimin took them to his car and took the driving seat, pushing Jungkook in the passenger seat and Taehyung in the back seat. Taehyung groaned once again.

"Why can't he sit with me at the back?" 

"Because I say so" Jimin barked, he was so done with Taehyung's whipped self.

"Where is Soo?" Jungkook asked. 

"To the place where I am taking you two" Jimin just simply replied and focused on driving.

For the rest of the ride they kept silent. Just the breeze occasionally passing through their hair, giving them chills, a good kind. Jungkook was quietly humming to himself and Taehyung was looking out of the window with a smile, listening to Jungkook. 

Yes, he indeed was a whipped man. 

Got a problem? 

Jimin parked the car and the duo looked at the Church? 

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