(8) I still wonder

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Everyone was gathered at the eldest Kim's condo to spend the weekend, Yoongi and Namjoon had something to tell the others, except Taehyung of course because it was related to Jungkook.

Taehyung was out because the eldest Kim wanted him to grab some 'stuff' from the convenience store. It was already past 15 minutes since he was gone.

"What did you want to tell?" Jimin asked.

"Did you find something?" Jin questioned.

"Calm down, let them speak first" Hobi replied.

"We found him" Yoongi dropped the bomb.

"W-where is he?" The eldest Kim asked, trying hard to stop his tears.

"He is back in the country" Namjoon smiled.

"B-Busan?" Jimin stuttered and bit his lips to control the tears when Yoongi nod his head. 

"When are we going then?" Jin asked but the eldest Kim shook her head, denying.

"We can't" She mumbled.

"Why not?" Hobi asked, confused.

"Because we still need to tell Taehyung" The eldest Kim answered.

"But what if he wouldn't want to see him?" Hobi sighed.

"Dada won't?" The little one asked, his lips wobbling and Jin immediately pulled him on his lap.

"He will baby he will" Yoongi assured.

"We need to tell him everything, about the letter and J-Jungkookie" Jimin said.

At the exact moment they snapped their heads back where they heard a crash. Taehyung was standing there, the plastic bag on the floor. Taehyung gulped harshly, he had only heard Jungkook's name but that was enough to get him teary-eyed. His heartbeat was accelerating insanely, he was sure everyone could hear it even from the distance between them.

"W-what about J-Jungkookie" Taehyung stuttered badly.

"Dada" Soo jumped off Jin's lap running to him.

He doesn't want to see his Dada sad, never ever. Taehyung was still looking at them as he picked Soo up with whatever strength left in him. Why Jungkook affects him this badly always.

"Tae- let's sit and talk, yeah?" The eldest Kim said and Taehyung barely nod as he sat down with them.

"You need to read her letter first" Yoongi said.

Barely 5 minutes would have passed and Taehyung was trying to comprehend everything, anything, Namjoon handed him the letter. He gulped the lump forming at the back of his throat and opened the letter.

Everyone kept quiet till Taehyung read the letter, they were silently witnessing the tears flowing down his cheeks and how gently Soo was wiping them wordlessly.

"W-what were you all upto?" Taehyung asked once he kept the letter aside.

"We were trying to find h-him" Jin replied.

"Did you?" Taehyung asked again.

"Huh?" Hobi let out.

"Did you find him?"

"Y-yes" Jimin choked on his tears and Taehyung snapped his head to him.

"You did? Where- where is he?" Taehyung questioned, his eyes glistening.

"Is he back in Korea?" Taehyung looked at everyone with hopeful eyes.

"He is back in Busan" Yoongi replied.

Taehyung stopped breathing for a moment. There was a silence to his soul, he had been the fall leaves under frost. He felt the chill in his blood, coldness bringing the synapses of his brain to a stand still. Part of it is a pain, yet now it is the one he can endure, one he can sleep through night after night without the false hope. This was his winter.

He had been locked up in a maze, his love maze.

Everywhere Taehyung would turn he saw himself, distorted, panicked. He ran his hands over the mirrors as if just by touching something real he could keep his mind in the maze. With so many images, all of them of his own suffering, he couldn't keep track of his own direction. He felt like he had been in there so long the sun should be setting already, but the light around him remained as bright as noon and beating down upon his head. He finally found a ray, a ray of hope.

In the streets full of flowers, he saw him today. With a new hope today, in the park of the early morning. He had his feelings now, towards this old yellow. Illuminated by the moon he still wonder a beautiful story, still wonder best part. He still wander next story, he wants to make Jungkook his.

The footprints Jungkook left behind, he still had kept it warm. He has stayed in black and white yet now he saw a pinch of purple. Maybe for the best this time?

"I want to go Busan" Taehyung said and everyone nod their heads.

"We will- we will go" The eldest Kim whispered.

Missing Jungkook was how he had grew up, growth was painful for the most part. Yet he was about to learn these skills where he was going to be more than he ever was, taller and stronger for the struggle.
See you all in the next chapter.
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜

Jungkookie was live after so long AND Taehyung posted this screenshot from the live

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Jungkookie was live after so long AND Taehyung posted this screenshot from the live. I AM NOT OKAY sksksks- 😭

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