chapter twenty seven

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chapter twenty seven - november, 1984

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Eleven had a new look. She had blue jeans with the bottoms rolled up with white trainers. She was wearing a black top and a black jacket with rolled up sleeves while her growing hair was gelled back and she had dark eyeshadow on her eyes with a bloody nose. Hopper lowered his gun as Alex's eyes went back to blue and the energy balls vanished. Everyone stared at Eleven in surprised and shock while Alex walked forward, her eyes watering as she looked at her sister. Eleven looked at Alex and looked relieved to see her. Alex gave her sister a big smiled as she walked forward. 

"El?" she asked as Eleven smiled.

"Alex," Eleven said smiling as the blonde hurried forward and wrapped the girl in a tight hug. "Sister," Eleven said as she hugged Alex just as tight.

"Sister," Alex said scrying into her shoulder. "I-I don't understand," Alex said letting go of Eleven and holding her hands. "I called you and I looked for you, every day for. . . ."

". .  .three hundred and fifty three days," Eleven finished smiling, "I heard."

"Why, why didn't you tell me you were there?" Alex asked, looking at her confused, "that you were okay? I was devastated when you left."

"Because I wouldn't let her," Hopper said as he walked over and looked at Eleven. Alex stared at him in disbelief as she felt herself getting angry. "The hell is this? Where you been?"

"Where have you been?" Eleven asked before they hugged. 

"You've been hiding her," Alex asked staring at Hopper in disbelief, "after I begged you for ten months to find her?!" Alex's voice was louder than usual as the two energy balls appeared at the palms of her hands.

"Hey!" Hopper said, "let's talk. Alone."

"No!" Alex yelled. "You say it here. What has been going on?"

"The more people know about her, the more danger she's in," Hopper said calmly as Alex felt her blood boiling, "and the more danger you and your family are in. . . ."

"So I should be thanking you?" Alex demanded.

"I'm not asking you to thank me," Hopper said, "I'm asking you to try to understand."

"Where has she been hiding?"

"In my cabin in the woods," Hopper said. "I was trying to protect her, and you. . . ."

"Don't talk to me about that, I don't want to hear about it!" Alex snapped as her eyes began to glow red as she held her hand out to Hopper, raising him at least three feet in the air. Everyone's eyes went wide as for a split moment, they were afraid of the angry blonde. "Y-You've been keeping her in the woods this whole time and not once did you tell me she was safe, or even alive!"

"I was trying to protect. . . ."

"ALL YOU DO IS LIE!" Alex screamed, throwing her hand to the ground, causing Hopper to go crashing to the floor as a burst of red energy escaped her. Hopper (who was unharmed) got up with the help from Joyce as he looked at Alex who was staring at him, her eyes a vibrant red. She was breathing heavy as she turned on her hell and into the room opposite them where she slammed the door. Hopper opened the door and shut it behind him. "Get out!" Alex yelled, the energy balls appearing at her hands.

"I'm sorry," Hopper said as Alex stared at him. "I'm sorry for lying to you. But I wanted to keep her safe and that was the only way." Expecting to be blasted out, he was utterly surprised when Alex broke down crying. 

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