5| little women

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5| little women

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5| little women


PERHAPS SPENDING THE NIGHT WITH JAKE WAS NOT THE BEST IDEA, Rosemary thought to herself as she snuck away from his room. She was careful not to wake him up, sparing herself an awkward morning after conversation. The one lucky thing that occurred on that fateful night, was that Jake had some of her clothes from when they were still dating. It meant freeing herself from the walk of shame back to her house in a day old outfit, which the town folks will no doubt gossip about.

Needless to say, she regretted what happened. But now was not the time to drown in the rabbit hole of her self pity.

    It was Saturday noon, which meant she was an hour late to her weekly breakfast with Kayla. She was lucky Kayla didn't attend the dinner last night, as she would have seen Rosie leave with her ex-boyfriend, and undoubtedly lecture her on her impulsive and toxic decisions. Maybe she should've been there. Maybe if she was, Rosie would have woken up at the Inn, where she should've.

She didn't drive the way here, knowing people would notice her signature vintage red car parked at his house and gossip. Though she made many unwise decisions last night, she was proud of herself for thinking that through.

"I'm here." She announced as she entered Luke's diner, instantly spotting her best friend by the counter. "Sorry i'm late." She sat on the stool beside Kayla.

For a brief moment, Kayla observed Rosie, from the NYU hoodie and leggings down to the leftover mascara clumps on her eyelashes. What she first noted was that Rosie was anti-university merch, and was very vocal on her dislike to high school students that wore college merch: which meant it wasn't her clothes. She then easily guessed what Rosie was busy doing last night. "You could've at least brushed your hair." She pointed out.

Rosie's hand clasped to her hair, patting it down. "Oh." She frowned. "Forgot."

With an exasperated sigh, Kayla dug into her purse to hand her a portable hairbrush. Rosie's eyes scanned the room to make sure no one was looking before brushing her hair tidy. "I would ask, you know." Kayla told her. "But I would rather not start off my Saturday with a fight."

"Great choice, actually."

      As Jess passed by the counter, Kayla stopped him.
Rosie assumed that Kayla had her breakfast already, which was understandable considering that she was an hour late, and it was noon already. "Can we get two coffees?"

      He stopped in his tracks, nodding. He headed to the coffee maker, pouring the black coffee into two mugs and handing it to the girls. When he noticed it was Rosie besides Kayla, his eyes lingered on her a moment too long. "I look like a mess, okay, I get it!" Rosie blurted out when she noticed him staring.

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