17| plan b

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"He's fine." Jess insisted.

Rosie wasn't convinced. She inched into Jess, determined. "He hasn't blinked in, like, two minutes."

"He's just being dramatic."

Luke stood in front of them, hands cupped over his mouth, speechless. "I told you this was a bad idea." She said, her voice in a hushed whisper. "When you told me you knew someone who could help, I thought you were taking me to some underground, black market type of medic with some drug dealing backstory."

"Let me guess, you also thought that's when I'd introduce you to my good buddies, Ponyboy and Sodapop?"

"Oh, ha ha—"

"I need to talk to you." Luke exclaimed, breaking out of his silence. He pointed at Jess intimidatingly. "Alone."

When he pulled him into the closet of their apartment, Rosie could hear the two's back and forth bickering. "Did you do this to her, Jess? Because if you did, I swear to god–" She couldn't hear the rest, as it was inaudible when Jess talked over his uncle's voice, but she could hear a few profanities being yelled out every now and then.

Rosie huffed out a breath, then stood from her seat. The last time she's been in their apartment, it was as neat as a new pin. But now, Jess's mattress was on the floor surrounded by stacks of books and a stereo.

This is ridiculous. She could've left already, and be halfway across the street before they'd notice she's gone. It didn't help that on top of her impatience, her hand was pulsating relentlessly. Letting out a sigh, she opened the closet door.

"What?" The two shouted in unison.

"What do you mean what? I could dig a hole in the ground and reach China by the time you two stop arguing." She sighed. "And, also, if you don't give me some Acetaminophen to deal with the pain, I might chop my hand off myself to get it over with. But don't mind me, take your time." She added the last part begrudgingly.

    "Someone's mad."

    "And bleeding."

Luke nodded, focusing back on her cut. "Right, right, let's wash the cut so it doesn't get infected." He said, gently pulling her to the bathroom. "Jess, get petroleum jelly and a bandage from my drawer."

They managed to go through the steps necessary while washing and applying a bandage on her cut without answering Luke's repetitive questions on what happened. "I broke a plate and tried to clean it up." Rosie had explained to him. It was easy to come up with an excuse, but it was harder to say it in a convincing manner.

   When the cut was securely bandaged, she thanked Luke for his help, and headed out the door. She made sure to explain to him that it was merely an accident, and signal threatening looks to Jess so he wouldn't bring up Jake. Luke seemed convinced, but Rosie still couldn't defeat the anxiety in her guts that told her he didn't.

   Jess followed her out, running up to her. "Hey, you forgot your pager."

    "Oh." She took the pager, nodding. "Thanks." Rosie had moved from the angry stage to the realisation stage. She was finally processing everything that happened, and the gloominess all reflected on her eyes.  When he wouldn't go back into the diner, she said; "I should go back and clean the glass before Lorelai comes back."

"I'll make sure he doesn't tell Lorelai." Jess added, watching her soften at the reassurance. "At least, not the part where I come in."

She offered a small smile. "Thanks." She didn't leave, getting the feeling that he wasn't quite done yet.

realist ━━ jess mariano Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang