31| breakfast at tiffanys

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OVER THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, Rosemary busied herself trying to finish her applications to different universities. Rory was doing the same, focusing on her Harvard application, deciding on a topic; Hilary Clinton. Rosie, however, decided to go on a different route and write about the progression of romance in novels.

She understood how ironic it was that she, of all people, was writing a college thesis on this topic. But she decided to add a little twist. and talk about the paradoxical aspect of them, critiquing its various themes. It helped that she was in a particular pessimistic mood that offered a humorously bitter tone to the essay. Still, she couldn't help but end the essay with the conclusion that sometimes, she likes to believe in the false hope that a romance offers as well. That even her cynical self wasn't above wanting the kind of love a romance novel has.

It wasn't until she was done with her applications that she finally felt like she could unwind and focus on her actual real life. It seemed like she had everything on pause the past two weeks, locking herself in her bedroom to make sure it was ivy league worthy. After having Rory and her guidance counsellor read and approve the essay, she relaxed.

Autumn in Stars Hollow was perhaps her favourite. She looked around, sorrowful that this would be her last autumn here before she heads off to college. She would miss the fleeting season and the extravagant autumnal, warm toned decorations of pumpkins and hay all over the town. Or the way the town's trees was so perfectly bright orange and green.

"Man, it's packed in here." Lorelai said as they stepped into Luke's diner.

"I guess we counter it." Rory said.

"I guess we do."

They took the last three empty stools on the counter, facing Luke. "What?" He asked grumpily.

"What do you know? Your face really can freeze that way." Lorelai said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's big, fat, happy sunshine day for me." He said with a blank expression as he poured them three cups of coffee.

Rosie looked around the crowded diner. "Business looks good."

"Sure, it's been taken over by the J. Crew catalog." He pointed over to the large table of a family with noisy children.

"Aw, babies!" Rory said.

"Every weekend, the same stupid group comes in here and take up all my tables and chairs they can get their sticky hands on. And they do that," He pointed angrily at them. "One person holds a kid, then another person holds a kid. This guy keeps coming in and out, and that other guy can't tell which kid is which. And they do it all morning long, and then order two ice teas to go! And that is it."

Rosie nodded along. "What I'm hearing is, you don't like babies?"

"I'm sure you're exaggerating."

"I am not exaggerating." He gestured to them again. "See that train the baby is holding? It won't work."

The three of them observed the baby holding the toy, watching the mother ask her nanny why the toy isn't working. "You're psychic." Rosie decided.

"How did you know that?"

"Because that toy hasn't been working for the past six months." He said. "Personally, I don't think it's broken. I think it killed itself to get away from the family." Luke grunted. "That's it, I'm kicking them out this time."

"Good luck!"

He moved around the counter to approach the table, then quickly spun around to return back to the three Gilmore's. "Oh no."


Luke looked away from the table. "She's breastfeeding."

Lorelai turned to the table, nodding. "Yup, that's lunch."

"I hate this."

Rosie turned around to see a dizzy, bedhead Jess walk down the stairs from their apartment. He was rubbing his eyes at the broad daylight, yawning as he stepped into the diner. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was faced with the sight of the woman breastfeeding her child. "Oh, Jesus!" He stumbled back suddenly, rushing back upstairs.

Rosie laughed. "I say it was worth it, just for that."

"Alright, that was fun." Luke agreed solemnly.

"Excuse me," The mother at the table called. "Can we have two ice teas to go?" She asked as she gathered her things.

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