30| the tempest

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"DID YOU TELL KIRK TO ASK ME OUT?" A baffled Lorelai rushed into Rosie's room. "It's seven in the morning, and Kirk asked me out. You know, I have a time limit with these things. Of course I accept the absurdness, living in Stars Hollow, and all. But I can only take so much at seven in the morning!"

Rosie tied her shoelaces, pursing her lips. "You know, screaming before noon is frowned upon."

"He said you encouraged him!"

"I did not!" She said in her defence. "There's a fine line between encouraging someone and just telling them to go for it."

"It's the same line!"

She bit her lip to keep from laughing at the situation. "As much as I would love to stay here and listen to Kirk's love confession to you, I have to go to school." She grabbed her backpack.

"He had a marching band ask me out!" She exclaimed absurdly. "A marching band!" She said in sheer embarrassment.

This time, Rosie couldn't hold in her laughter, but it did help that she ran to the front porch before Lorelai could hear her chuckles. Her laughter died down as she made her way down the street, walking to her best-friend's front porch.

      She stopped by Kayla's house, watching her rush down the front porch and pull her into a hug. "I missed you!"

     "I missed you more!"

     When she pushed her out of the hug, Kayla gestured to her body. "Do I look fat?"

      "No, why?"

      "You'd tell me if I did, right?" She asked surely. "All I did was eat Jollof rice and Puff Puffs this summer."

      "I'm guessing your summer in Nigeria was good?"

      "That, it was, although my week in Wisconsin with my cousins was terrible. More on that later." She promised. "How was Rhode Island?"

       They started their path to the high school, slowing their pace to have more time to talk before they reach the school. "Really good."

      "So, senior year." Kayla said serenely as they approached the high school.

      Rosie sighed. "Senior year."

     "Times are changing."

      "No, we are."

       When they entered their first official day as seniors, Rosie had her schedule handed to her. This year was less condensed than the previous years, seeing as she took an excess amount of extracurricular classes the first three years of high school to catch up on her plan to go to Yale. After all, she had to. It was the deal she had with her parents; stay in Stars Hollow, but get into Yale.

     In other words, high school was the four years she could live normally and serenely until she lives dependently in Hartford with her parents in college. She didn't mull over that for too long, thankful they even agreed for this to happen in the first place.

     During her break, she met with guidance counsellor. "Everything seems great." Mrs. Winters said as she skimmed over the schedule of this senior year. "Yup, you're on track to get into Yale."

      "That's great."

       "Applications are going to be sent out next week, don't hesitate to come to my office if you need help." She assured her. "So, have you thought about safety schools?"

      Rosie nodded. "I have a list of them here." She handed her a piece of paper. "But, actually, I wanted to talk to you about something else."

      "Go ahead."

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