19| the light in the heart

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BROADLY SPEAKING, there are two types of people on this Earth. The people that deal with their problems, finding a solution and maturely communicating their way through conflict— and the people that simply didn't.

    Rosie was, unfortunately, the latter. She had a habit of running away from her problems. The habit constructed when she did it once or twice and it worked in her favour. After that, she figured she had better luck fixing other people's problems than her own.

    Take for example, Rory's conundrum last night.  "I'm sorry about the other night."

"Honest mistake."

"I feel like you're still mad." Rory said half-heartedly.

"Hey, I'm a cool mom, remember?"

Rosie dug her hands in her jeans pockets, not focusing much on the conversation. She already sat through two hours of Rory apologetically doing everything in her ability to make it up to her mother. "Hey, where are we going?"


Her face fell. "Oh," She cleared her throat, stopping in her tracks. "Maybe I should just go back home— I totally forgot there's something I have to do."

"What do you have to do?"

"Homework." She lied.

"Honey, it's spring break."

Rory stared at her inquisitively. "Is this about Jess?"

"What? No."

"Am I missing something?" Lorelai turned to her daughter. "Why would it be about Jess?"

"I saw him in her room at the party."

"What?" Lorelai then turned to Rosie.

"Not like that." She groaned. "He just..." She stopped when she figured it was time to tell them the truth. "It's a complicated situation."

"I love complicated situations."

    "Then I'll tell you all about it later—" She huffed through her nose, wearing slouching. "Can we pick another place to have lunch at tonight? Please?"

    The two reluctantly agreed, and headed to the bakery instead. Rosie could tell that both Lorelai and Rory were trying to be on their best behaviour and not ask about the situation with Jess. To satisfy the two, she gave them vague details of the situation, but refused to elaborate on it further on.

    "Three coffees." The waiter placed the three cups down on their miniature table.

    "We didn't order three coffees."

    "But you said coffee, coffee, coffee,." He quoted Lorelai in a less enthusiastic manner.

    "But, you see, coffee coffee coffee is just an expression." She attempted to explain through a smile. "It's just what I say when I really want coffee." When he wouldn't compromise, she sighed. "It's fine; then." She turned to the two girls. "Do you guys want coffee?"


    "I had a coffee already."

     "Okay," She said in a regrettable tone. "Well, I'm guessing you don't have any pancakes either?" She asked the waiter.

    "We have pastries."

    "I hate pastries."

    "No you don't." Rosie retorted, then let out a sharp exhale. "Look, you guys can go to Luke's if you want." She offered begrudgingly, seeing them smile as a result.

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