14| between the acts

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ROSIE'S HEAD HUNG OVER THE TOILET SEAT IN THE MORNING, gagging. Her hair was tied into a messy high ponytail with a scrunchie. The leftover mascara from the previous night stained her under eyes black and the worn-off lipstick spattered a red tint around her lips. To put it simply; she looked and felt horrible. She couldn't have been bothered to wipe her makeup off when she arrived home last night— it was an achievement enough when she forced herself out of her dress and into her pyjamas.

    However, she would manage. To Rosie, this was merely routine.

Lorelai walked past the open bathroom, then did a double take at the girl and moved three steps backwards. She stepped one foot into the bathroom, observing Rosie's state. "Oh my god, you're pregnant." She gaped, voice drenched with sarcasm.

Shooting her a glare, she said; "I'm hungover."

To her surprise, she didn't look any more relieved. "Sweetie," Lorelai loomed over the girl, pushing a strand of her hair away from her face. "You know that I try to be fair with these household rules and try to give you the freedom you moved out of Hartford for, right?"

     Rosie had a faint feeling she wouldn't like what follows. "Yes?"

"And you realise I have to ground you from going to parties until you can come home fully conscious, sober and without Kayla sneaking you into your bedroom window?"

She lifted her head to face her sister, stricken by panic. "You know about that?"

"You two aren't exactly subtle." She leaned against the sink, offering to help by pulling a strand of her away from her sister's face. "You two were practically screaming both times you snuck in. But hey— I let those slide! I thought, one's an accident, and twice is a mistake. But three, honey, is habit."

    Both times. Rosie snuck into her bedroom after parties far more than two times, and was relieved to see her sister was completely oblivious to it. "You're right." She nodded. "Sorry."

    "You can make it up to me by helping me pick the flower arrangements for Sookie's wedding." She tossed her the folded piece of paper she was holding. Rosie unfolded it, reading out the list of flowers. "We're leaning on dahlias with lavender, but she wants more evergreens."

    "How about Lorelai with Rosemaries?"

    "Suggested that already, she did not appreciate the pun." Lorelai retorted. "She's been really impatient, she didn't even laugh when I showed her the seat arrangement I made that I think would make for the most chaotic wedding. I put all of Miss Patty's exes in the same table, and then Taylor with Luke just to piss him off, and then Kirk at the kids table, and let me tell you—" She was cut off by her own laughter. "Even Rory thought it was funny."

Rosie, still nauseous, was not amused. "I thought she wanted a June wedding?" She inquired. "It's only March."

"I think in her head, the wedding's tomorrow."

    "I'd love to help," She handed her back the piece of paper. "You know, when i'm not throwing up and all."

"Oh." Lorelai stood straight, heading out the door. "I'll tell Rory to get you some soup from Luke's diner—"

    "Actually," She said tersely. "I'll clean myself up and get it myself, thanks."

    She nodded. "You sure?"

    "Yeah, I think i'll feel better if I go there myself." And because there's one person I should see. "Besides, it's Stars Hollow Daily News crossword puzzle day, and Taylor swore he'd feature me in it this time." At that, Lorelai headed out.

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