Chapter 1

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Brushing off her dirty hands on her apron Della made her way back to the house. The quaint life in the mountains suited Della, she loved the peace of the forest and mountains around her, she loved her garden and she loved her Aunt Annore most of all.

The tall Fae carried in clippings from an assortment of plants from the garden to prepare for the healer who would be stopping by tonight.

Annore ran a successful business from their small cabin in the mountains, that supplied both Fae and human healers with rare medicinal plants from their large garden.

Della had quite the knack for gardening. Annore liked to tease her that it was the spirit of Della's deceased mother that blessed Della's plants to bloom with such success.

That was all Della knew about her mother, that her magic allowed her to grow all kinds of plants. It was the same magic Annore possessed. Della's own magic was wind and ice which made her talent for gardening all the more impressive in Dellas 'unbiased' opinion.

Both of Della's parents had died when she was little and her Aunt was reluctant to share what exactly had happened to them or what the couple was like. It had bothered Della when she was younger but now at 204 years old she was long since over it. Of course she would love the opportunity to meet her parents but, there was no use in being upset over something she couldn't change. Even more so she was happy, and wasn't going to ruin that for herself by wishing for things she couldn't have.

"Nalon should be here this evening" Annore reminded her as she entered the small cabin.

Nalon was healer who lived in Doranelle that Annore and Della sold supplies to, he only came around about every 6 months or so since the Fae typically used magic to heal themselves, thus the need for supplements was rare. Annore and Della's primary source of income were the humans that lived on just the other side of the mountain. That was part of the reason they lived so far away from Doranelle, to be closer to the humans who bought from them more frequently.

Human healers would still have to make a hard journey about every 3-4 months to come visit the Fae females for their high quality plants and remedies that could only be found among the Fae. That and Della's ability to manipulate wind and ice allowed her to protect their garden from storms and inclement weather; which in turn made it possible to have a constant supply no matter the season.

"Thanks, the crates are nearly already packed for him, I have the last of it here."


Della and Annore were just finishing dinner when the sound of rattling wagon wheels could be heard approaching. After gathering up the last of their dishes and placing them in the sink, the two Fae females went outside to greet Nalon. Hopping down from the wagon Nalon whistled his greeting.

"Hello there!"

"Nalon welcome!" Annore sung back.

"How have you ladies faired these last few months?"

"Oh you know, same always. Change is rare out here." Annore hummed.

"Yes, well with the Whitethorns taking the throne I imagine change will reach even you, Annore" Nalon teased.

Della's mouth dropped open, Annore stopped moving. The two gardeners could only gape at their visitor.

"Have you not heard the news?" Nalon asked softly "...Aelin Galaythinius killed Maeve."

Della couldn't believe what the male was telling her.

"Maeve is dead?"

Annore's question could barely be heard. It was no secret the Annore disliked the dark queen. It was the other part of the reason they lived so remotely in the mountains. Annore wished to avoid any traces of Maeves rule and so Nalon was their only consistent Fae customer.

"We haven't spoken to anyone other than the human healers in the last several months" Della elaborated at the males incredulous look. "You will have to fill us in on the recent changes to Doranelle."

Nalon nodded his understanding and proceeded to explain how Aelin Galathynius, the lost queen of Terrasen, had visited Doranelle and even adopted some of Maeves bloodsworn warriors into her own court. Then later returned to her own continent and waged war against Adarlan and the Valg king Erawan and reclaimed her throne. Nalon explained that during the war Aelin had asked the Whitethorns to over throw Maeve and to help her defeat the demons infesting her home. The new Queen of Terrasen had also revealed that Maeve was impersonating a Fae female and was actually a Valg demon herself.

"Now the Whitethorns sit on the throne of Doranelle and Rowan Whitethorn is King consort of Terrasen"

"Prince Rowan married the human queen?" Annore asked.

"She's a half breed actually. Rumor is the two are mates.." Nalon clarified.

"The prince already had a mate, I knew her" snapped Annore

Della was still reeling from the news that Maeve was a Valg. A demon from a foreign realm. What kind of evil magic did Maeve possess that had allowed her to walk between worlds. Why Annore cared about the mortal queen and her mate was beyond her.

After concluding their business with friendly healer Della followed her red haired aunt into the house.

Della did not resemble her beloved aunt in the slightest. Della was lean and tall where Annore was soft and short. Coupled with her lean build Della also had silvery blonde hair and piercing green eyes. The deep green eyes were accompanied with a scowl that Annore lovingly described has having the ability to make enemies quake in their boots. Annore also claimed that Della's father had the same scowl.

Annore fidgeted with the end of her auburn braid, a tell tale sign of her being nervous. Della had noticed that Annore was unusually tense, Della thought that her Aunt would be bounding with happiness for the change of Queen, especially given her vehement disgust of the now dead demon Queen.

"What's the matter? Isn't this exciting news?"

Glancing up Annore fiddled some more.

"Della- I uhh- I haven't been completely honest with you."

Della wasn't shocked at the revelation. Although she would've described her aunt as more secretive rather than dishonest; either way she was deprived of the truth which could be categorized as deceptive. But Della was more confused as to why now she was receiving this confession.

Annore looked up, her eyes filled with tears.

" I'm sorry, your father is alive. I'm sorry I lied. I'm- I'm so sorry" she sobbed.

For the second time that night Della was struck speechless.

Della stared blankly. Frantically trying to grasp this new revelation, her mind was a storm of wind and fog.

Annores crying voice was in that fog desperately trying to explain.

"I was with your mother helping her give birth to you when the whole cabin li-lit on fire, and Lyria, she begged me to take you and run and that she was close behind, b-b-but she wasn't. She'd just given birth and the smoke was thick. But by the time I noticed I was t-too far from the house." Annores lip quivered as she continued with her confession. " later we learned that enemies had snuck through the mountain pass and attacked. I-I tried to contact your father but he vanished and then he was blood sworn to Maeve and then I hid you away, I didn't want Maeve to have you an-and..."

Della cut in, asking her sobbing aunt, "Who is my father?"

Della could already guess who he was. Why her aunts question from earlier now seemed less strange.

"Rowan Whitethorn is your father."


AN: hi :) this is my first attempt and I am v nervous.

1295 words

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